Weeklybeats is a 52 week long music project in which artists compose and publicly release 1 song a week for the entire year.
Starting January 1st 2024 GMT each participant will have one week to upload one finished composition. Any style of music or selection of instruments are welcomed and encouraged. Sign up or Login to get started or check our FAQ for any help or questions you may have.

summer ends

By levelcapybara on September 22, 2024 11:27 pm

I was overwhelmingly tired and feeling under the weather when this week’s deadline rolled around. Since Fall’s finally here, here’s a quick follow-up to “Summer Looms” - and a 2022 summer WeeklyBeat called “Frizzled & Frazzled” - to bookend the summer. Hope everyone else had a fun Week 38.

Now, on to the end of the third quarter! wink

This was a beautiful and quiet intermission. Thank you summer for this year too.

I feel like so much is captured here, there are fond memories of summers, some sadness summer is over, some optimism for the cooler seasons and all they bring, etc. The melody starting around :34 made me think of crickets and other "summer bug" sounds. I have this image of all the bugs packing up and heading south for the winter... but I don't think they actually do that? lol Google tells me crickets may migrate or seek shelter indoors in winter. The end of summer always felt like way more of a milestone than the new year to me.

a nice ode to summer. I do hope you feel better, its easy to get caught in the minutia of life in these times we find ourselves in.

such a lovely vignette. hope you get the rest you need. thank you for this music

Cursory wrote:

I feel like so much is captured here, there are fond memories of summers, some sadness summer is over, some optimism for the cooler seasons and all they bring, etc. The melody starting around :34 made me think of crickets and other "summer bug" sounds. I have this image of all the bugs packing up and heading south for the winter... but I don't think they actually do that? lol Google tells me crickets may migrate or seek shelter indoors in winter. The end of summer always felt like way more of a milestone than the new year to me.

yes to all of that ^
also, all the crickets have migrated into our basement and taken over the studio. i came down the other day and they were setting up microphones, it was very sweet 

but... but... but... i don't want the summer to end....


quite lovely - there's a tinge of sadness and melancholy added to the overall chill energy of the song. exactly what i'd expect as the summer is coming to an end. very nice!

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