Weeklybeats is a 52 week long music project in which artists compose and publicly release 1 song a week for the entire year.
Starting January 1st 2024 GMT each participant will have one week to upload one finished composition. Any style of music or selection of instruments are welcomed and encouraged. Sign up or Login to get started or check our FAQ for any help or questions you may have.

WeeklyBeats.com / Music / miraclemiles's music / save your life move

save your life move

By miraclemiles on September 22, 2024 11:58 pm

Moving can be a life saver. Physical moves like getting up and dancing to a song you like or taking a walk are cool. But also other moves, like reaching out to an old friend, checking something off your list, or finishing a song. Maybe all those moves in a day. Happy week 38 song day, and happy all days to you Weekly Beats crew!

› Notes on creating this one:

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CC Attribution Noncommercial Share Alike (BY-NC-SA)

Dancing and glitching into Autumn to the strange and exotic beats of this track! That's the way to go!

"a mood where all songs that come on the radio sound like best ever"
i love that mood!

your track feels a little like that, almost like turning the radio dial and every time it lands on a station there is some cool and wild sonic party happening

Very fun and funky mix of sounds. And a good reminder to move!

The processing on the vocal loop that first comes in around 0:15 is super interesting, what did you do to that sample (if you don't mind sharing)?  Sounds like it might be a forward-reverse loop maybe, and a bunch of saturation... maybe some crazy tape loop things... sounds rad though. 

Lots of interesting ingredients on this one, but they do combine into a cohesive and tasty sonic stew.  The vocal samples start off a little soulful and funky and get downright hypnotic as it goes on.

woah! This is a trip, love all the curveballs in the rhythms, yet still super groovy. A lot of changes but still  cohesive - really dope track!

Experimentalgroovyweirdfuturistichousemusic. Great.

Napear wrote:

The processing on the vocal loop that first comes in around 0:15 is super interesting, what did you do to that sample (if you don't mind sharing)?  Sounds like it might be a forward-reverse loop maybe, and a bunch of saturation... maybe some crazy tape loop things... sounds rad though.

Yeah that's recording of my voice at about :15, just dropped that in Granulater 3 (now stock ableton device), Classic mode. Triggered it with midi notes I tapped in, and that's it. Same with the female vocal sample that starts in very beginning, but that one has Auto Shift on it with Formant turned down 25%. Wanted to play with Granulater more, it's awesome, and Auto Shift, which is new in 12.1, still in Beta. Thanks for listening!

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