Ainoo varma asia
By Minnamari on May 3, 2024 8:26 pm
Have been low on energy lately but am recording this acoustic-ish version (with my electric piano) of a Finnish song I began writing a few years back, that I always felt was a bit to weird and off somehow..but it is starting to find its final form now, or maybe I have just become more accepting of things being a bit weird and "off"...
I only did minimal editing, adding a slight reeverb, to save that precious energy I have. Had to do the recording with my microphone standing on a table next to me while playing the piano so sometimes I turn away from it and the song dampens a bit, but I think the sound is good enough..and anyways, sharing it regardless of sound quality helps me tease my inner perfectionist.
This song wants to share it's message so I will include the lyrics and a translation, but feel free to just listen if you want to feel into sounds without feeling a need for any message
"Ainoo varma asia" means "the only certain thing" or "the only sure thing"
Lyrics (original, Finnish):
Ainoo varma asia on
ettei mikään ole varmaa
Mietin elämääni
ja etsin siitä karmaa
Mutta suurin todennäköisyys
on että oikeudenmukaisuus
on sekin ainoastaan harhaa
Miksi meditoijat tyhjyyttä kaipaa
kun metsä ympärillämme on täynnä taikaa?
Miksi aina puhutaan vain valaistumisesta
kun pimeys syvimmän tiedon tuo?
Ainoo varma asia on
ettei varmoja asioita ole
Silti me hamstrataan talot täyteen
kunnes leipiinkin kasvaa home
Ja mä tiedän kuinka se pelottaa
kulkea elämänpolulla
epätietoisuuden viitta harteilla
Miksi meditoijat tyhjyyttä kaipaa
kun metsä ympärillämme on täynnä taikaa?
Miksi aina puhutaan vain valaistumisesta
kun pimeys syvimmän tiedon tuo?
Avaa silmäsi
Anna sen sattua
Iskeä sydämeen
kuin salama
Sulje silmäsi
Katso sisällesi
Se minkä sielu ymmärtää
ei koskaan häviä
Ainoo varma asia on
että rakkauden voima
on ainoo varma asia joka
saa tän maailman soimaan
Kun hirviö huutaa sun sisällä
voit sillekin osoittaa hellyyttä
Ehkä se onkin sun uusi ystävä
Vieressäni rannalla musta tähti
Mä heräsinkin vasta kun valot lähti
Miksi aina puhutaan vaan valaistumisesta
kun pimeys syvimmän tiedon tuo?
Avaa silmäsi
Anna sen sattua
Iskeä sydämeen
kuin salama
Sulje silmäsi
Katso sisällesi
Se minkä sielu ymmärtää
ei häviä
Lyrics (translated. The two words with slash/ have a double meaning in the finnish version of the word so I have provided both meanings here)
The only certain thing is
that there is nothing certain
I contemplate my life
searching for the karma
But the largest probability
is that justice
is only a delusion
Why are meditators longing for emptiness
when the forest all around us is filled with magic?
Why do they always talk about enlightenment
when the deepest knowledge is found in darkness?
The only certain thing is
that there are no certain things
And yet we fill our homes with things
until the bread starts growing mold
I know how scary it can be
walking your life path
wearing a cloak of uncertainty
Why are meditators longing for emptiness
when the forest all around us is filled with magic?
Why do they always talk about enlightenment
when the deepest knowledge is found in darkness?
Open your eyes
Let it hurt/happen
Hitting the heart
like a lightining bolt
Close your eyes
Look inside yourself
What the soul can understand
will never disappear/lose
The only certain thing is
that the power of love
is the only certain thing
that can make the world sing/sound
When the monster screams inside of you
you can show it gentleness too
Maybe it could be your new friend
Next to me on the beach is the black star
cause I only awoke once the lights were gone
Why do they always talk about enlightenment
when the deepest knowledge is found in darkness?
Open your eyes
Let it hurt/happen
Hitting the heart
like a lightining bolt
Close your eyes
Look inside yourself
What the soul can understand
will not disappear/lose
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