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WeeklyBeats.com / Music / levelcapybara's music / dunkin' deductions

dunkin' deductions

By levelcapybara on August 18, 2024 11:41 pm

› poem

› lore

America runs on deductin'. tongue
Happy Week 33!

Love that pulsing sound and the rhythm it drives forward for the track.  Soothing chord progression and a beautiful melody.  I pictured Leslie Nielsen as the narrator.



the lore is amazing, i had to re-read it 3 times before i realized how genius it was

tasty piece of music!

Tone Matrix wrote:

I pictured Leslie Nielsen as the narrator.

[screaming] THIS IS PERFECT!

I concur with Tone Matrix, that pulsating synth is perfect to bring the rhythm to the track. The slow melody was beautiful and my brain melted down reading the poem and lore. i have no idea what it's all about. And it's perfect this way.

we love dis!

i did not mean to post that - i did think 'dobutt' when i saw that but thought better than to post this

i meant to post this and say the doughnut may have just walked away...

emily wrote:

i did not mean to post that

ROTFL glad I came back to listen to this

Tone Matrix wrote:

Love that pulsing sound and the rhythm it drives forward for the track.  Soothing chord progression and a beautiful melody.  I pictured Leslie Nielsen as the narrator.

Hehe, that’d be amazing. big_smile Thanks!

orangedrink wrote:



the lore is amazing, i had to re-read it 3 times before i realized how genius it was

tasty piece of music!

Tone Matrix wrote:

I pictured Leslie Nielsen as the narrator.

[screaming] THIS IS PERFECT!

Orange Drink, Tone Matrix, I just wanted to tell you both good luck. We’re all counting on you. wink

Kedbreak136 wrote:

I concur with Tone Matrix, that pulsating synth is perfect to bring the rhythm to the track. The slow melody was beautiful and my brain melted down reading the poem and lore. i have no idea what it's all about. And it's perfect this way.

Hehe, thanks!

jwh wrote:

we love dis!

Thanks! Mmmm, donuts…. tongue

emily wrote:

emily wrote:

i did not mean to post that - i did think 'dobutt' when i saw that but thought better than to post this

i meant to post this and say the doughnut may have just walked away...

Hehe, no worries, I appreciate ‘em both. And hey, maybe the donut did just wander off somewhere - it’s a real mystery. Thanks for listening!

orangedrink wrote:
emily wrote:

i did not mean to post that

ROTFL glad I came back to listen to this

Hmmm, they say the culprit always returns to the scene of the crime… tongue

Detective Duncan Du'naat is a hell of a name, lol.

The important part is that he came back safe. The music makes it sound like that's not a given.
- Spider

ViridianLoom wrote:

Detective Duncan Du'naat is a hell of a name, lol.

I donut know where they come up with names like those. tongue Hehe, thanks!

Devieus wrote:

The important part is that he came back safe. The music makes it sound like that's not a given.
- Spider

Walking around with a box of donuts is always a dangerous proposition, after all.

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