Weeklybeats 2024 was a 52 week long music project in which artists composed and publicly released 1 song a week for the entire year. Enjoy this archive of over 7,500 music compositions by over 300 artists.
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WeeklyBeats.com / Music / laguna's music / LagunaGFX vs Eddie Leonard (a man's jam is another man's track)

LagunaGFX vs Eddie Leonard (a man's jam is another man's track)

By laguna on March 3, 2024 11:18 pm

In a real rush, I found this weird rework I made over a beat from a creator I follow:

He wondered in the following video if the beat was worth it, and I commented if we viewers felt like it needed some changes. I replied some variations and he replied back "what do you exactly mean?". So I made this beat as my answer, sampling even his voice and...

Never send it to him. I felt it was somewhat underdeveloped and he wouldn't like it.

I thought about adding some elements, though never got around doing it, so now I post it here. Should I post this to the creator? Does it need more work?

SOrry for the lack of interaction. These months are being very harsh being overworked with brief periods of rest and almost no personal life. I'm listening to stuff, but I try to "keep up with the world" not losing touch with friends and family.

BTW, does your player in the WB page marks songs as played? because mine does not mark anything as already played anymore, so it's harded to keep up with the new music.

Take care WB family, wherever you are

Audio works licensed by author under:
CC Attribution Share Alike (BY-SA)

LOL, wow, this is great! You should definitely shoot him a link to this. smile

Sharing your craft opinions in a constructive manner is gold. It's very rare feedback. You should totally share it! The only useless feedback is a strong negative opinion without stating anything actionable or pointing at anything concrete. You not only have specific advice here but even went through the trouble of demonstrating what you mean. Zero harm in that. Worst case the dude will disagree with you. But at least he'll know you're not a hater but you care to share your perspective.

The beat itself is indeed not repetitive, and it's a pleasant listen. Go for it!

this beat is a motherfucker of a track. love it!

I love how it gets so deep compared to the original.  Great vibe.  Keep it up - it's about that jam a week... no matter what it is!

Just finished listening to an old ninja tune compilation, was on in the background while the kids were busy doing crafts.  This track would fit very nicely on that compilation.  I have actually learned over the years from listening to your tracks about adding variation to my own music, I think you demonstrated that very well on this rework.

Thanks a lot to all for your support, both listening, commenting and just being there. I'm going through very hard times professionally lately, so every piece of positiveness helps. I'm sorry that I'm almost invisible in the comments. I pass most of the day on a quite dry environment where I could not play music or wear headphones, because I'm interrupted every other five minutes.

Well, no more sob story... let's go to the comments!

dr0ptpacket wrote:

LOL, wow, this is great! You should definitely shoot him a link to this. smile

Oh, yes. I'm planning to do it, once I'm able to sort some things out. Thanks for the encouragement!

P.S.: I can start sharing THIS LINK ...

rplktr wrote:

Sharing your craft opinions in a constructive manner is gold. It's very rare feedback. You should totally share it! The only useless feedback is a strong negative opinion without stating anything actionable or pointing at anything concrete. You not only have specific advice here but even went through the trouble of demonstrating what you mean. Zero harm in that. Worst case the dude will disagree with you. But at least he'll know you're not a hater but you care to share your perspective.

The beat itself is indeed not repetitive, and it's a pleasant listen. Go for it!

Thanks for the positive vision, Rplktr. I think I couldn't express that better myself. I think I'll drop him a link to this very discussion, indeed smile

Worst case scenario, the dude will just ignore it

horatiuromantic wrote:

this beat is a motherfucker of a track. love it!

That's quite a great straigh compliment, Sir. You made my day with that, for sure.

Thanks a lot, Horatiuromantic!

cTrix wrote:

I love how it gets so deep compared to the original.  Great vibe.  Keep it up - it's about that jam a week... no matter what it is!

Gald to hear you dig it, cTrix! Well, he indeed is publishing his jam, very spontaneous and "in the moment". I could feel there's even "more song" in here, though it's nice to remember that all start with some aimless playing, just for the fun of it smile

Jason Nijjer wrote:

Just finished listening to an old ninja tune compilation, was on in the background while the kids were busy doing crafts.  This track would fit very nicely on that compilation.  I have actually learned over the years from listening to your tracks about adding variation to my own music, I think you demonstrated that very well on this rework.

Oh, Jason, that's touching. Thanks for the appreciation. I had "an epiphany" when a dear close friend gave one of my early tracks a positive yet strong "roast" because he told me "ideas were promising but you keep asking the listener for extra attention instead of surprising him/her".

I took that very seriously, after years of "8 bars of A, then 8 bars of B, rinse, repeat". "Secretly" I'm always afraid my music is too monotone and repetitive, so I put an extra effort into those little "tricks" in order to keep ears interested.

Extra thanks for the Ninja Tune reference, my man !!!

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