Weeklybeats is a 52 week long music project in which artists compose and publicly release 1 song a week for the entire year.
Starting January 1st 2024 GMT each participant will have one week to upload one finished composition. Any style of music or selection of instruments are welcomed and encouraged. Sign up or Login to get started or check our FAQ for any help or questions you may have.

WeeklyBeats.com / Music / jegasus's music / In Spite of Hopelessness

In Spite of Hopelessness

By jegasus on May 26, 2024 9:41 pm

Oh hi there, it's been a while! You're looking great, is that a new haircut? I love it!!!

Let me tell you the story behind this little ditty! I know you're aching to hear it. I ended up making most of this during a work trip between Houston and Austin. I had the privilege of taking a nice bus between the two cities and got a good solid two and a half(ish) hour long work session with the M8 and came up with this. To me, it feels like the soundtrack to a video game where you're just a little guy with a sword who needs to face a big bad evil wizard who can conjure up hoards of monsters with a quick flick of his wrist.

I'm super happy with how chiptuny the lead synth sounds, but I wasn't really able to get out of the repetitive sonic space. I even tried using string samples to emulate different chord progressions (is that what it's called? you know, the lower bass tone-setting that's usually done with the left hand on a piano or keyboard), but it still kept in this somewhat repetitive place.

I think the marching-style drums also didn't help to break the monotony. I tried introducing a bunch of chance commands to trigger a few notes and roll/retrigger effects, but I don't think it worked to break up the repetitiveness all that well.

Even after saying all that, I can still enjoy listening to this little piece and I think it has its fun little moments. Not my best work, but far from my worst also.

As usual, done 100% on the M8. All the sounds are from its internal synths except for the strings, which came from this Roland GO:PIANO sample pack, originally provided by sumedokin in the Dirtywave Discord server.

Hopefully I'll be a bit more inspired this next week. In the meantime, I look forward to listening to other people's music!


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CC Attribution Noncommercial Share Alike (BY-NC-SA)

It certainly gives off the video game vibe.  Repetition is a valid part of music, so I wouldn't worry too much about it.  There are some pretty cool pieces of music that are built off the repetition of just a few notes.  Plus, it's hard for anything to get too monotonous to me when it's under two minutes. 

Yeeaaaah! Those strings at the beginning are total GBA soundtrack vibes. I've been playing with my Retroid Pocket device recently and playing a lot of GBA games, you def nailed the feeling! I really like the snare marching beat. I can picture a whole pixel cutscene happening in my head. Nice work smile

Yes! This has a nice SNES Final Fantasy feel for sure! That chippy, stringy, march style really brings me back.

It works, all the pieces are there, the sounds are right and it's a good tune. I don't actually think it's repetitive - my brain never gets "bored" in a "oh didn't I just hear this?" way at all. I think it just needs more dynamics - it's the same volume, same timbre-space for the full two minutes. Playing with the velocity, the filter, and modulating the decay on some of your envelopes could go a long way towards getting where you want the track to go. Sounds great though!

i am now ready to face the next challenge heart

definitely picture a little character with a sword! Not all songs have to morph and become something totally different either, I think the repetition suits this and I never grew tired of it. Solid melodies and I think the drums gave a good constant vibe.
On to the next!

Yeah! I listened to this before reading the text and it definitely captures the mood you described, made me think of something like the older zelda games.

I really like this, it reminds me of the score for the like cinematic cutscenes in games like Ninja Gaiden and Batman Returns.  Very nice melodic development throughout. 

Well that musta' been an awesome bus trip. Lovely, I can almost picture the game level where this tune plays in my head. 

Feels like the hero had to traverse a lush jungle slicing their way thru the vines to face the big bad jungle wiz.  Nice build to the ending for that final baddie_slay!

Overall it's pretty good and solid theme, tho that one drum should probably take it easier, any louder and the other instruments might as well not be there
- Ebrit

Cosmic Cairns wrote:

It certainly gives off the video game vibe.  Repetition is a valid part of music, so I wouldn't worry too much about it.  There are some pretty cool pieces of music that are built off the repetition of just a few notes.  Plus, it's hard for anything to get too monotonous to me when it's under two minutes.

Thabk you so much, that's very kind of you to say. And yeah, that's kind of been my way tk ward off the feeling of repetitivenessb just keep songs short. That's why you'll see almost all of my songs end up in the 1:30 to 2:00 range.
Anyways, I appreciate the kind words!

that_ranjit wrote:

Yeeaaaah! Those strings at the beginning are total GBA soundtrack vibes. I've been playing with my Retroid Pocket device recently and playing a lot of GBA games, you def nailed the feeling! I really like the snare marching beat. I can picture a whole pixel cutscene happening in my head. Nice work smile

Thank you thank you thank you, that is such immensely high praise to me!!!! I super appreciate the listen and comment❤️

PeterM wrote:

Yes! This has a nice SNES Final Fantasy feel for sure! That chippy, stringy, march style really brings me back.

YEEES!!! SNES RPGs is kind of what I was aiming for, so I'm happy I hit the mark! Hahahaha... Thank you so much for the kind comment!!!

neon liminal wrote:

It works, all the pieces are there, the sounds are right and it's a good tune. I don't actually think it's repetitive - my brain never gets "bored" in a "oh didn't I just hear this?" way at all. I think it just needs more dynamics - it's the same volume, same timbre-space for the full two minutes. Playing with the velocity, the filter, and modulating the decay on some of your envelopes could go a long way towards getting where you want the track to go. Sounds great though!

Poohhhh, I totally see what you're saying! Yeah, I almost 100% of the time use the default punch-in velocity of 64 and rarely make any edits to it. I like this idea, I might start toying with this! Thanks so much for the suggestion. And also for listening!

jwh wrote:

i am now ready to face the next challenge heart

Grab that sword and bring down the evil wizard!!!! Hahahaha... Thanks for listening!!!

SQF wrote:

definitely picture a little character with a sword! Not all songs have to morph and become something totally different either, I think the repetition suits this and I never grew tired of it. Solid melodies and I think the drums gave a good constant vibe.
On to the next!

Thabk you thank you... And yes, you're totally right. As the marching drums in this song suggest, I'll keep moving forward onto the next song! Hahaha... Thanks for the kind comment!

Napear wrote:

I really like this, it reminds me of the score for the like cinematic cutscenes in games like Ninja Gaiden and Batman Returns.  Very nice melodic development throughout.

I know you're not saying it's not the same level of quality, but just having REMINDED  you of those two makes me feel awesome!!! That's super high praise, thank you so much for the kind words smile

emily wrote:


moloko wrote:

Well that musta' been an awesome bus trip. Lovely, I can almost picture the game level where this tune plays in my head.

Hahahaha, I'm super happy that the mental image is coming through smile And thanks so much, that's super kind of you to say!

Tone Matrix wrote:

Feels like the hero had to traverse a lush jungle slicing their way thru the vines to face the big bad jungle wiz.  Nice build to the ending for that final baddie_slay!

Thank you!!! I'm happy that the image I was trying to put forward came through!!! Hahaha... And thanks for listening!

Devieus wrote:

Overall it's pretty good and solid theme, tho that one drum should probably take it easier, any louder and the other instruments might as well not be there
- Ebrit

Thabk you so much for the listen and comment! Listening to it again now I agree, the drum is quite loud. I think I end up erring on the side of making the kicks and snares SUPER loud because of the earphones/IEMs I carry around and use to compose on the M8. They don't carry bass all that well, so I crank it up a lot. Then, when I render the final product, I notice that they are SUPER loud. I just need to be a bit more mindful of that.
Anyways, thanks again for listening!!!

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