Weeklybeats is a 52 week long music project in which artists compose and publicly release 1 song a week for the entire year.
Starting January 1st 2024 GMT each participant will have one week to upload one finished composition. Any style of music or selection of instruments are welcomed and encouraged.
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WeeklyBeats.com / Forums / Posts by Wisefire
Topics by Wisefire
Posts found: 97-112 of 123
fivestep wrote:Submitted last second, but it seems like it got lost into the oblivion. Is it going to count as next weeks track?
Dunno what happened, but i do know its not gonna be next weeks track. how about you try again? https://weeklybeats.com/music/upload?ha
drexegar wrote:Thank you so much! Really appreciate it! rough week, and using warioware to make music at the last minute was a kind of a bad idea, you spend more time trying to work around the limits then making music, but I'm glad I did.
You're welcome. and yeh, using warioware for a last minute track is doing it on hard-mode. good luck on next week!
drexegar wrote:It goes straight to the front page. am I suppose to do something?
Ah. yeah, first delete your old track.
drexegar wrote:Can I re upload my track? I rerecord it and have it fix
sure, just make sure you have some time for unforeseen issues like this the next time! here ya go: https://weeklybeats.com/music/upload?ha
idevourstatic wrote:sorry can i get a link to upload, ended up being in some savage traffic and other horrible shit today. ty. x.
Savage traffic is savage! horrible shit is horrible! I feel you, dude! here ya go! https://weeklybeats.com/music/upload?ha
drexegar wrote:HEY my name is drexegar, I rushed to record, windows fell asleep on me and made the record skipped, also its in mono due to pluggin my sound card into a new usb port. WEEK4 warioware synthwave.
That sucks! What can i do for you?
pulsetrade wrote:My upload restarted on its own midway. I would have been on time if this didn't happen. Could I please get a link?
cutting it close will result in short fingernails here ya go: https://weeklybeats.com/music/upload?ha
Kris Keyser wrote:Hey, my DAW somehow muted a channel on my track and i didn't realize until i listened to it on the WB site. Is there a way to reupload a properly exported track for week 3's submission?
it might be a good plan to check your export before you upload. here is a upload link: https://weeklybeats.com/music/upload?ha
thisissami wrote:Thanks Wisefire!!
You're welcome!
thisissami wrote:Hello everybody. I didn't realize that the cutoff time was GMT (i'm in PST time zone), and just discovered that I can't upload the track I finished for this week. Can somebody hook me up with an upload link? Thanks either way!
Timezones can be a bitch! here ya go: https://weeklybeats.com/music/upload?ha
fivestep wrote:Ha, I miss it. Finished my track early in the week too, and just never uploaded it. Setting up a weekly alarm now.
Probably not a bad idea! here ya go: https://weeklybeats.com/music/upload?ha
Catthew O. wrote:Internet connection caused me to miss the upload by literally one minute for this week (Week 3), if there's any way I can have a second chance it'd be much appreciated!!
That sucks! here ya go: https://weeklybeats.com/music/upload?ha
Abludo wrote:Upload finished past the deadline; could I please have an upload link for this week (3)? leaving a half hour safe time next time xD
Not a bad plan! here ya go: https://weeklybeats.com/music/upload?ha
ooh damn! That sounds like it could be pretty epic!
I don't know about y'all, but i'm doing 11/8
Parallelis wrote:Since it's week three, I'd like to throw out the idea of writing tracks in 3/4. Or the theme could be triplets.
How 'bout doing something crazy like 11/8. That's a challenge
I could help out here and there. no credentials though, just a fondness of the whole weeklybeats thing.
Posts found: 97-112 of 123