(49 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I only joined halfway through this year but with a different focus than previously. WB definitely worked as a motivator to get me writing more music, although I feel like the community aspect was different this year, at least for me. I'm probably going to be back in 26 because that's my guitar's 100th birth year and I might want to do a year worth of guitar tracks.

Congratulations to everyone and thanks for submitting songs and feedback. This is a great way to use the internet!!!

i think most people would be delighted :-)


(141 replies, posted in Site Help)

Hello, can I please change my name back to colorful grey? thanks :-)


(28 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Devieus wrote:

104 club, here I come.

yup! just submitted my final piece. ahhh...

orangedrink wrote:

I wouldn't normally think to try to promote someone's track over anyone else's, but in my opinion, this is definitely warranted.

http://weeklybeats.com/#/sylcmyk/music/ … r-1-rapide

Looks like he's been working on it since 2014.  Aside from the obvious technical achievements, there is something to be said about the arrangement and the sheer passion and emotion that comes from the piece.  I recommend that you all give this a listen. 

I'm really proud to be part of this community and everyone inspires me to be better.  It doesn't matter how simple or grand your work is; I just care that we all keep going!

thanks for the tip -- just listened to it, very nice


(141 replies, posted in Site Help)

little-scale wrote:
Christian Grey wrote:

Hello and sorry to bother, but could I change my username into Christian Grey (now that Kleie is there it's kinda weird to use Colorful Grey for just me)? Thaaaanks!

Done. Please let me know if there are issues.

No issues yet. Thanks man!


(141 replies, posted in Site Help)

Hello and sorry to bother, but could I change my username into Christian Grey (now that Kleie is there it's kinda weird to use Colorful Grey for just me)? Thaaaanks!


(11 replies, posted in General Discussion)

orangedrink wrote:

ohmy god i missed it

oh no! don't despair, keep going man! was looking for your track today...


(20 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Phil Harmonic wrote:

so far this year i like this:

oooh thank you for posting this!


(111 replies, posted in Site Help)

Alright I have another copyright question... I used a melody from the 1950s I think. I then re-harmonized it, which is my original work and certainly makes it sound quite a bit different. The melody has been published widely in German folk song books, so much so that it's considered a folk song.

... what do you think, OK to submit here?


(16 replies, posted in General Discussion)


In 2014 there was a flute player...


(111 replies, posted in Site Help)

Devieus wrote:
colorful grey wrote:

Is classical music OK to post when it's not copyrighted anymore? Like lute pieces from the 1500s? I'd see that as a cover version. It's not an original composition, though. Would that be OK to post?




(111 replies, posted in Site Help)

Is classical music OK to post when it's not copyrighted anymore? Like lute pieces from the 1500s? I'd see that as a cover version. It's not an original composition, though. Would that be OK to post?


(37 replies, posted in General Discussion)

i've been trying to use notation more (or really, at all). writing tab or score down instead of recording it. i used to do that with chord progressions, just writing down chord names, but i want to move towards a mix of lute tablature and staff notation.

"I'm being eaten by a Boa Constrictor" (originally by Peter Paul and Mary) by Nine Inch Nails

just sayin...

Lyons wrote:

The core is essentially trying to push my instrument (double bass) into as many different styles, genres, as I can but it does lend itself to the 'classical' tradition.

^this. I really admired your work in 2012 and will try to move in that direction, as well. Glad you're here!