(38 replies, posted in General Discussion)

It's hard to nail it down to just a few but here is the list artists and albums, composers and performers. The Cure 17seconds and Faith listening to them now makes me think something done with less is more. Vince Guaraldi, The latin side of Vince Guarildi and Snoopy Christmas never get boring. Jerry Gonzalez and the Fort Apache band makes music that easily blends straight ahead jazz, latin jazz, and afro jazz like no one else. Astor Piazzolla tango composer that served as a conduit for me to discover that genre of music. I'll quit there cause I could go on forever.


(20 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I'm using Caustic for android the demo is everything minus the ability to save and export. it exports midi ogg and wav. for only 7.99. I know the the thread says iOS but Its worth mentioning.

This is all a new challenge for myself, and I plan on doing a lot of this work on my phone. I have a Samsung captivate, and I plan on doing my writing at work on lunch breaks. I'm using Caustic it has five tracks a drum machine piano roll, and supports MIDI out put. This will be week one for me just joined Sunday.  If I can conquer the medium of a phone and an Android tablet for writing this could be fun.