i am sex starved
You have two hands. Are you a righty or a lefty?
WeeklyBeats.com / Forums / Posts by VCMG
i am sex starved
You have two hands. Are you a righty or a lefty?
Currently at work on an EP, so it'll probably just be a small excerpt of the track I'm working on right now.
I just realized that I do not own a good mic for recording. Hope you guys are okay with crappy sound, looks like I'll have to improvise and use my headset as a makeshift mic.
Edit: Also bouncy balls don't bounce on piano strings as well as I thought they would.
So it's okay for this theme then?
So is bouncing a rubber ball inside a piano considered aleatoric?
I love Pandemic! Great fun, even if it is really hard to win. Great track as well, if they ever make a Pandemic video game this should be the title theme.
For Audacity, you go to the dropdown menu next to the microphone icon and select stereo mix. Be sure that you also go to the Preferences menu and make sure that you don't have Software Playthrough checked, or you'll get terrible feedback.
Chip For Cancer is a collaborative group of artists with two things in common: Old sound chips for instruments and a drive to help stop cancer. Most of the musicians on this have been personally affected by this awful disease, so you know that this is quite a meaningful project, rooted in the hearts of all of us.
100% of the profits made off anything released from this group goes to the BCRF.
I think he means deleting your submission and then uploading it again.
The one I have uploaded is kinda ehhh, but I'm working on a really cool track right now and racing to finish it before the deadline.
Edit: just finished and uploaded my real WB track. I think it turned out really well.
School's been draining me of any motivation to sit down and write a song for the past couple weeks.
Also I broke my Gameboy and most of the ideas in my head revolve around LSDJ.
Use only 4 notes from a chromatic scale to make a song.
Haha, nah. I'm just nicer than the average person on the internet.
It's either A or C.
Yes please