All of my tracks have something in them that I like. Even if it is just a redeeming quality This one, apart from the fact that there's not quite as much electronics in it as I would like it:
33 December 31, 2012 2:10 pm
Re: Best Song of 2012 (11 replies, posted in General Discussion)
34 December 31, 2012 12:54 am
Re: Life after WB? (105 replies, posted in General Discussion)
I'll keep everyone posted about Monthly EPs once it's all ready to go. I'll post here and on the FB page Phil made.
Love to get involved in that too.
Bit OT here but suppose I should mention that I quoted you in the last track thursdaybloom
35 December 31, 2012 12:34 am
Re: Weekly Beats Stats Thread (184 replies, posted in General Discussion)
jiffypop23 spilled the beans. I will, erm, put the beans under a microscope for you...
52 artists in week 52
There are 2 new artists this week.
Welcome to:
bryface uras
Total artists this year as of week 52: 264
28 artists who have uploaded every week up to week 52
The survivors are:
little-scale xandox cTrix jiffypop23 DrumurBoy tiasu Seagull Chainsaw rdomain Derris-Kharlan Thursdaybloom Phil Harmonic spry oceans universum amazonas Dot.AY iran sanad bleo vinpous infradead sinewave PWR Ashtom Pyronetiks Ryan BlondieBrunetti george bowles Neil Carnegie phesago Brackleforth
Very cool project, been hard work but worth it all in the end...
36 December 31, 2012 12:30 am
Re: Weekly Beats Stats Thread (184 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Yo sinewave, at the end of the week you should write up a similar script that does like "__ people uploaded 52 weeks, __ uploaded 51 weeks, etc"
To at least give some sort of props to folks like sawfay
Always been on the cards...just no time. On holiday for the rest of the week so maybe i'll tweak the script and put up the whole year.
37 December 31, 2012 12:18 am
Re: No Fireworks or Anything!?!?! What a Ripoff! (22 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Also I just want to say SORRY TO EVERYONE for this weeks track
I just want to say sorry to everyone for tracks 1-52...maybe they sound better in reverse...?
38 December 31, 2012 12:13 am
Re: No Fireworks or Anything!?!?! What a Ripoff! (22 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Yeah dude! I have listened to hardly anything at all and what I have heard is rad. Sooooo yeah on the listening party!
Same here, been feeling guilty about that Definitely gonna catch up on all my favourites and hopefully get some new ones too. And...the relief is immense. I'm a free man now! Made the last track with 1 min 1 sec to spare.
Wasn't expecting fireworks, but i was disappointed that the graphics didn't flip to 2013 at least!
It's been a really cool year of discovering new sounds and getting some great inspiration and tech tips from people here. So much good music...
39 December 27, 2012 10:46 pm
Re: Weekly Beats Stats Thread (184 replies, posted in General Discussion)
hey, just for statistical purposes I thought I would add that I have written and uploaded 51 pieces of music this year, to my site. So I've been writing music each week, all year. I did miss the Sunday deadline a lot in the beginning because I decided to work Monday to Monday, but pulled it back to Sunday to Sunday around the half way point.
That's alot of links, if they give you those (unlikely) I'll rewrite history again...never really just been about "Team XX" tho. Much more interesting than that if you ask me. But anyway before I forget and down another sherry:
46 artists in week 51
There are 3 new artists this week.
Welcome to:
WolfAsylum danabnormal Codekk
Total artists this year as of week 51: 262
28 artists who have uploaded every week up to week 51
The survivors are:
little-scale xandox cTrix jiffypop23 DrumurBoy tiasu Seagull Chainsaw rdomain Derris-Kharlan Thursdaybloom Phil Harmonic spry oceans universum amazonas Dot.AY iran sanad bleo vinpous infradead sinewave PWR Ashtom Pyronetiks Ryan BlondieBrunetti george bowles* Neil Carnegie phesago Brackleforth
40 December 27, 2012 10:40 pm
Re: Life after WB? (105 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Monthly EPs probably wins my vote, but I don't know the chances of them stepping up the website to handle this new idea with less than a week left til next year
Well, it was trash80 that first mentioned it...all they need to do is make the 52 into 12 and change weekly to MOON Oh and completely rewrite the backend probably but that's just a detail.
41 December 27, 2012 6:13 pm
Re: Life after WB? (105 replies, posted in General Discussion)
whoa...daily albums? You just upped the stakes mr. ctrix... on the other hand, i was thinking a pd patch a day. If the patch is good enough maybe I could squeeze an album out of it
42 December 26, 2012 9:24 pm
Re: Life after WB? (105 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Yes yes yes. +1 for a monthly. Was going to do this myself at one point. It was going to be called...moonbeats But then I didn't. Hope someone else does! Failing that I'm up for a january daily. hell yeah.
43 December 22, 2012 10:52 am
Re: Life after WB? (105 replies, posted in General Discussion)
44 December 18, 2012 10:14 pm
Re: Weekly Beats Stats Thread (184 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Knew all those options in my little stats script would come in handy one day
45 December 18, 2012 8:27 pm
Re: Weekly Beats Stats Thread (184 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Rewrite history? No problem
Welcome back, BlondieBrunetti
51 artists in week 35
Total artists this year as of week 35: 254
30 artists who have uploaded every week up to week 35
The survivors are:
little-scale xandox cTrix jiffypop23 DrumurBoy tiasu Seagull Chainsaw rdomain Derris-Kharlan Thursdaybloom Phil Harmonic Lomz spry oceans universum amazonas Dot.AY iran sanad bleo vinpous infradead sinewave PWR Ashtom Pyronetiks Ryan BlondieBrunetti george bowles Lazerbeat Neil Carnegie phesago Brackleforth
49 artists in week 36
Total artists this year as of week 36: 254
29 artists who have uploaded every week up to week 36
The survivors are:
little-scale xandox cTrix jiffypop23 DrumurBoy tiasu Seagull Chainsaw rdomain Derris-Kharlan Thursdaybloom Phil Harmonic Lomz spry oceans universum amazonas Dot.AY iran sanad bleo vinpous infradead sinewave PWR Ashtom Pyronetiks Ryan BlondieBrunetti george bowles Neil Carnegie phesago Brackleforth
52 artists in week 37
Total artists this year as of week 37: 254
29 artists who have uploaded every week up to week 37
The survivors are:
little-scale xandox cTrix jiffypop23 DrumurBoy tiasu Seagull Chainsaw rdomain Derris-Kharlan Thursdaybloom Phil Harmonic Lomz spry oceans universum amazonas Dot.AY iran sanad bleo vinpous infradead sinewave PWR Ashtom Pyronetiks Ryan BlondieBrunetti george bowles Neil Carnegie phesago Brackleforth
51 artists in week 38
Total artists this year as of week 38: 254
28 artists who have uploaded every week up to week 38
The survivors are:
little-scale xandox cTrix jiffypop23 DrumurBoy tiasu Seagull Chainsaw rdomain Derris-Kharlan Thursdaybloom Phil Harmonic spry oceans universum amazonas Dot.AY iran sanad bleo vinpous infradead sinewave PWR Ashtom Pyronetiks Ryan BlondieBrunetti george bowles Neil Carnegie phesago Brackleforth
50 artists in week 39
There are 1 new artists this week.
Welcome to:
Total artists this year as of week 39: 255
28 artists who have uploaded every week up to week 39
The survivors are:
little-scale xandox cTrix jiffypop23 DrumurBoy tiasu Seagull Chainsaw rdomain Derris-Kharlan Thursdaybloom Phil Harmonic spry oceans universum amazonas Dot.AY iran sanad bleo vinpous infradead sinewave PWR Ashtom Pyronetiks Ryan BlondieBrunetti george bowles Neil Carnegie phesago Brackleforth
47 artists in week 40
Total artists this year as of week 40: 255
28 artists who have uploaded every week up to week 40
The survivors are:
little-scale xandox cTrix jiffypop23 DrumurBoy tiasu Seagull Chainsaw rdomain Derris-Kharlan Thursdaybloom Phil Harmonic spry oceans universum amazonas Dot.AY iran sanad bleo vinpous infradead sinewave PWR Ashtom Pyronetiks Ryan BlondieBrunetti george bowles Neil Carnegie phesago Brackleforth
48 artists in week 41
Total artists this year as of week 41: 255
28 artists who have uploaded every week up to week 41
The survivors are:
little-scale xandox cTrix jiffypop23 DrumurBoy tiasu Seagull Chainsaw rdomain Derris-Kharlan Thursdaybloom Phil Harmonic spry oceans universum amazonas Dot.AY iran sanad bleo vinpous infradead sinewave PWR Ashtom Pyronetiks Ryan BlondieBrunetti george bowles Neil Carnegie phesago Brackleforth
50 artists in week 42
Total artists this year as of week 42: 255
28 artists who have uploaded every week up to week 42
The survivors are:
little-scale xandox cTrix jiffypop23 DrumurBoy tiasu Seagull Chainsaw rdomain Derris-Kharlan Thursdaybloom Phil Harmonic spry oceans universum amazonas Dot.AY iran sanad bleo vinpous infradead sinewave PWR Ashtom Pyronetiks Ryan BlondieBrunetti george bowles Neil Carnegie phesago Brackleforth
46 artists in week 43
Total artists this year as of week 43: 255
28 artists who have uploaded every week up to week 43
The survivors are:
little-scale xandox cTrix jiffypop23 DrumurBoy tiasu Seagull Chainsaw rdomain Derris-Kharlan Thursdaybloom Phil Harmonic spry oceans universum amazonas Dot.AY iran sanad bleo vinpous infradead sinewave PWR Ashtom Pyronetiks Ryan BlondieBrunetti george bowles Neil Carnegie phesago Brackleforth
49 artists in week 44
There are 2 new artists this week.
Welcome to:
tReK Devieus
Total artists this year as of week 44: 257
28 artists who have uploaded every week up to week 44
The survivors are:
little-scale xandox cTrix jiffypop23 DrumurBoy tiasu Seagull Chainsaw rdomain Derris-Kharlan Thursdaybloom Phil Harmonic spry oceans universum amazonas Dot.AY iran sanad bleo vinpous infradead sinewave PWR Ashtom Pyronetiks Ryan BlondieBrunetti george bowles Neil Carnegie phesago Brackleforth
52 artists in week 45
There are 1 new artists this week.
Welcome to:
Total artists this year as of week 45: 258
28 artists who have uploaded every week up to week 45
The survivors are:
little-scale xandox cTrix jiffypop23 DrumurBoy tiasu Seagull Chainsaw rdomain Derris-Kharlan Thursdaybloom Phil Harmonic spry oceans universum amazonas Dot.AY iran sanad bleo vinpous infradead sinewave PWR Ashtom Pyronetiks Ryan BlondieBrunetti george bowles Neil Carnegie phesago Brackleforth
49 artists in week 46
Total artists this year as of week 46: 258
28 artists who have uploaded every week up to week 46
The survivors are:
little-scale xandox cTrix jiffypop23 DrumurBoy tiasu Seagull Chainsaw rdomain Derris-Kharlan Thursdaybloom Phil Harmonic spry oceans universum amazonas Dot.AY iran sanad bleo vinpous infradead sinewave PWR Ashtom Pyronetiks Ryan BlondieBrunetti george bowles Neil Carnegie phesago Brackleforth
47 artists in week 47
Total artists this year as of week 47: 258
28 artists who have uploaded every week up to week 47
The survivors are:
little-scale xandox cTrix jiffypop23 DrumurBoy tiasu Seagull Chainsaw rdomain Derris-Kharlan Thursdaybloom Phil Harmonic spry oceans universum amazonas Dot.AY iran sanad bleo vinpous infradead sinewave PWR Ashtom Pyronetiks Ryan BlondieBrunetti george bowles Neil Carnegie phesago Brackleforth
48 artists in week 48
Total artists this year as of week 48: 258
28 artists who have uploaded every week up to week 48
The survivors are:
little-scale xandox cTrix jiffypop23 DrumurBoy tiasu Seagull Chainsaw rdomain Derris-Kharlan Thursdaybloom Phil Harmonic spry oceans universum amazonas Dot.AY iran sanad bleo vinpous infradead sinewave PWR Ashtom Pyronetiks Ryan BlondieBrunetti george bowles Neil Carnegie phesago Brackleforth
44 artists in week 49
There are 1 new artists this week.
Welcome to:
Total artists this year as of week 49: 259
28 artists who have uploaded every week up to week 49
The survivors are:
little-scale xandox cTrix jiffypop23 DrumurBoy tiasu Seagull Chainsaw rdomain Derris-Kharlan Thursdaybloom Phil Harmonic spry oceans universum amazonas Dot.AY iran sanad bleo vinpous infradead sinewave PWR Ashtom Pyronetiks Ryan BlondieBrunetti george bowles Neil Carnegie phesago Brackleforth
41 artists in week 50
Total artists this year as of week 50: 259
28 artists who have uploaded every week up to week 50
The survivors are:
little-scale xandox cTrix jiffypop23 DrumurBoy tiasu Seagull Chainsaw rdomain Derris-Kharlan Thursdaybloom Phil Harmonic spry oceans universum amazonas Dot.AY iran sanad bleo vinpous infradead sinewave PWR Ashtom Pyronetiks Ryan BlondieBrunetti george bowles Neil Carnegie phesago Brackleforth
46 December 5, 2012 2:56 pm
Re: Weekly Beats Stats Thread (184 replies, posted in General Discussion)
48 artists in week 48
Total artists this year as of week 48: 259
26 artists who have uploaded every week up to week 48
The survivors are:
little-scale xandox cTrix jiffypop23 DrumurBoy tiasu Seagull Chainsaw rdomain Derris-Kharlan Thursdaybloom Phil Harmonic spry oceans universum amazonas Dot.AY iran sanad bleo vinpous infradead sinewave PWR Ashtom Pyronetiks Ryan Neil Carnegie phesago Brackleforth
George Bowles is currently missing, but we haven't given up hope yet...
47 November 26, 2012 10:45 pm
Re: Weekly Beats Stats Thread (184 replies, posted in General Discussion)
47 in 47 and T27 is rock solid...
47 artists in week 47
Total artists this year as of week 47: 259
27 artists who have uploaded every week up to week 47
The survivors are:
little-scale xandox cTrix jiffypop23 DrumurBoy tiasu Seagull Chainsaw rdomain Derris-Kharlan Thursdaybloom Phil Harmonic spry oceans universum amazonas Dot.AY iran sanad bleo vinpous infradead sinewave PWR Ashtom Pyronetiks Ryan george bowles Neil Carnegie phesago Brackleforth
Don't forget to put T27 on the back of that tee!!!
48 November 20, 2012 10:36 pm
Re: Weekly Beats Stats Thread (184 replies, posted in General Discussion)
50 artists in week 46
Total artists this year as of week 46: 259
27 artists who have uploaded every week up to week 46
The survivors are:
little-scale xandox cTrix jiffypop23 DrumurBoy tiasu Seagull Chainsaw rdomain Derris-Kharlan Thursdaybloom Phil Harmonic spry oceans universum amazonas Dot.AY iran sanad bleo vinpous infradead sinewave PWR Ashtom Pyronetiks Ryan george bowles Neil Carnegie phesago Brackleforth