(70 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Excellent stats, much appreciated! It's been bloody close a couple of times. We're talking minutes to spare... Go Team 57!!! Yeah!

Good singing, on account of only having time for a single take of anything. You see, normally I sound like The Horrors. Honest.

Words from a "known" tea-party rep to more op-1 trickery. Haha might even say it's a collaboration. Now that's twisted smile got a great title for it too


(0 replies, posted in Site Help)

...just thought you might like to know i'm seeing two instances of my latest upload (the equaliser) in my own music page. One is quite enough for me thanks wink


(33 replies, posted in Site Help)

How about this: profile status that changes according to how active you've been. The idea is straight from forums, where more posts will earn you better ranking and titles like "expert critic", "obsessive listener" and so on. The more tracks you listen to (and ideally the more you comment on), the better your rank. That way you give people a goal that will encourage interaction. And it might help all those poor wretches with 0 comments - I know what it's like, I've been there! Guess it's quite a bit of coding, but it will probably be fun to do if you like that sort of thing..

Can't go wrong with bug noises ever smile

I got an OP-1 in November, and this came along just as I was finishing off my first proper track. For me, it was a natural choice to dedicate all 52 songs to writing on the OP-1. I also thought that the first track took way too long to finish so doing a track a week will force me to develop a flow on the OP-1 and get things done in tight focus...

There'll be a theme a month, with rules. For example, January is just pure OP-1 (I used vocals on week 2 but they were recorded with the built-in mic). Other months are planned such as acoustic guitar + op-1, gadgets (monotron, home-brew synths, etc) + op-1. Maybe i'll do a gameboy month too, with nanoloop, lsdj and my old gameboy app i developed years and years ago....

That's my plan...