whew! Thought there wasn't gonna be one this week!!! Keep up the writes!!!


(2 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I just installed Bukkit 1.1 for my multiplayer minecraft server, so I'm not gonna make a weekly beat this week. Some things just require ones full attention....

Phil Harmonic wrote:

hmm. is it just me.. or is the "new posts" link sending us to a page that is much earlier in time that would be considered "new?"

I think it sends you to wherever you last viewed the thread... maybe.

Both Hunterquinn and AndaruGO's submissions will surely be piss poor. That's my hint.

Thursdaybloom wrote:

I fear it will compound to an un-catchup-able amount where I end up becoming just a contributor instead of a community member sad

Duder, I don't think anybody is going to judge someone for not listening to all 10,000,000 submissions on weekly beats, haha. I just listen to a randomly picked handful. Couple of my faves and a couple of people I see that are active in the forums. No biggie.

So, oddly... It went VERY well up 'til sunday night, when the beats were released... I was like... "Hmm... haven't listened to it for a whole week now... I remembered it sounding better...."

Ah well! Still happy with it!

Hmm.... what to do.... what to do...


(20 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Here's walking directions from Kentucky! It's gonna be a loooooooong swim. http://maps.google.com/maps?hl=en&r … CCAQ8gEwAA

Nah, that's totally legit, man. Here soon, my work is gonna ramp up considerably and I might have to put it down for awhile, so I kinda understand what you're saying. Finishing a weekly beat just isn't as important as doing well at your job. (...or is it?)

little-scale wrote:

Why 101BPM?

You'll get heart palpatations at 102 and you'll fall into a deadly coma at 100. Be thankful... O_O

Ready for this?! I'm making a 5/4 time.... DANCE song. Yeah.



Writer's Block? Yeah, that.


(12 replies, posted in General Discussion)

The Alastair Collins wrote:

Weep not for the three weeks lost... weep for the forty-eight songs you've yet to write ;P

I can see the universe now.

The Alastair Collins wrote:

(or beat-off, if you prefer)

...and I do.