Foxy-Diamonds had her first haircut and now she resembles a monkey more than a puppy. I don't think this is a win...
who is foxy-diamonds? / Forums / Posts by Phil Harmonic
Foxy-Diamonds had her first haircut and now she resembles a monkey more than a puppy. I don't think this is a win...
who is foxy-diamonds?
did you lose a ball?
yeah. im not saying that there isnt anything to be gained by a 45 minute limitation.. just dont know if weeklybeats is the place to do it. you could have 244 such compositions in a week if you were doing it outside of weeklybeats (and if you never slept or did anything else)
Phil Harmonic wrote:hmm.. dunno.. good stuff can come out of limitations like that, but im pretty sure thats not what wb is about.. ill do a 45 min race track if anyone else is in, but i'd really rather not.
Oh? What is WeeklyBeats about then, Phil?
P.S. You're in no way obligated to participate.
Well. ok. maybe it does fit within the limitations of weeklybeats, but it seems to me that weekly beats already has a time limitation. Changing the limitation to 45 minutes makes it not weeklybeats but rather 45minutebeats. Anyways, the concept reminds me of the compos that we used to have on #trax all the time. I think the shortest one I ever took part in was an hour. As for my obligation, well, yeah I know, I am not obligated to do any of this stuff. My comment was not meant to be any kind of stab at you or your idea, it just seemed like the idea didnt fit with weeklybeats. It is my opinion, take it for what it's worth.
I want to [kill] them all.
am i one? with my comment on your post about the theme?
hmm.. dunno.. good stuff can come out of limitations like that, but im pretty sure thats not what wb is about.. ill do a 45 min race track if anyone else is in, but i'd really rather not.
im disappointed.. i think im the only one who did the theme haha
i made something but didn't finish it in i guess i'll upload it next week? It still needs polishing, idk when i'll do it.
if it's finished enough i can send you an upload link.
and that many of the chord progressions are two notes rather than being triads
I know he often starts out with a horribly distorted version of the main chord progression that comes in and out... and uses delay on like everything
i might be at a bit of an advantage cause tim sends me things every now and again.. like I have his collection of cz1 waveforms and a version of digitek that was never released hehe. still though.. it is tough
ok.. well. i have been trying to make a trash80 themed song. i have ended up with like 4 candidates. anyone else having any luck?
wb seems dead lately
haha.. it's not really a hack.. you can also search for your unleased songs.
meh.. the doodle is cool. but it's so much easier to just record my voyager
Phil Harmonic wrote:you can still submit if you have the song ready.. i (or any of the other admins) can make an upload link for you.
sorry man i only just cheked the forumz, ok how do i do this?
tell me or another admin which week it is for.. obviously we're not gonna get crazy and fill in 20 weeks. but 1 or two.. sure.. looks like you need one for week 20. amiright?