Weeklybeats 2024 was a 52 week long music project in which artists composed and publicly released 1 song a week for the entire year.
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WeeklyBeats.com / Forums / Posts by phesago
Topics by phesago
Posts found: 65-80 of 126
it took me a few days,but i finally listened to everything this week. sorry for no replies, was at work. however, you guys are awesome. I learned how much i am in my own head, and to a serious extent, how much i still suck.
Still, was great to hear you guys'/gals' work. 
It would be sweet if this could be a comment for everyone...
being in phoenix during this time of year :'(
Thats cool as fuck dude. ^5
jiffypop23 wrote:Phil Harmonic wrote:not good enough.. i expect posts when i come here 

i c wut u did thar
Poppi wrote:Sent my boss a 'what gives' letter...
Stop putting up with his BullShit! Yeah! Fuck the Man!
Poppi wrote:...am probably going to get fired now.
Stop being a shitty employee 
Phil Harmonic wrote:yay.. penal colony.. havent listed to him in a looong time 
I know right? I am actually glad I read this thread, because it made me think of this. I went and dug the cd out of a box I havent touched in years just to listen to this. It was on that old waxtrax box set(which was UH-mazing), and I am glad it worked. Totally going through my old CD collection in the next few weeks.
spry, you should listen to yelworC. : D
also, some Boyd Rice or NON would be totally killer. The song in the below link is the shit. ONE SAYS GIVE ONE SAYS TAKE
My main inspiration is inertia. What I mean is I generally start a session by making some random patch on one of my analogs, and then all of a sudden I find myself in some groove, and thats how most of my shitty tracks have been born.
Other sources of inspiration are feelings in a particular moment(like the rush of unsettling Carolyn felt in UNtamed Heart as she was pursued by her would be assailants) or random things in nature(the way a platypus scurries across grass, a tornado tearing through a mobile home, etc etc etc).
I guess I'm weird like that.
dats not a win....
i would hate if i had to put down my raTYY mayonaise! (my name is doug)
Phil Harmonic wrote:You think they have undergarments in the third world?
No I dont 
but yeah, more jokes taken too seriously...
Phil Harmonic wrote:Poppi wrote:Clean carpet. Yay 
Clean Undergarments, yay.
This is the first world wins thread, sir 
Poppi wrote:TristEndo wrote:Im so bored even music is boring and so burnt out that the prospect of working four hours for a song that might just end up discombobulated and that mental state stopps your creative spark like a torrent of gatorade.
Whinge: 'complain persistently and in a peevish or irritating way.'
Win: 'be successful or victorious in (a contest or conflict).'
by your given definitions, i am left to assume he is happy to be free of it, it being his sentiments, obv 
booze+forum, i new way to feel shame since the internet happened LOLjk 
Posts found: 65-80 of 126