(95 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I'll post a photo when my new system is setup. Right now it's just a laptop on a desk


(11 replies, posted in General Discussion)

...I may have oversold the HDD capacity by mistake... 500GB


(11 replies, posted in General Discussion)

My pr0n is all on an external, should I want to take it with me to the work machine, but I can stream at any time on the iPad, so it's kind of a moot point...

Yeah, I've been meaning to seperate out and remove my work machine from the internet for a while. I've just only gotten the funds together now.

The specs are... an Intel Dual Core G620 (2.6GHz), 500TB HDD, 4GB RAM (which is getting upped to 8GB come my next pay day), plus some USB 3.0 ports. It's pretty bare bones, so I can work it up more down the road.


(74 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I have to admit, I'm surprised at the lack of 'Bends' love. Sure, it's not their most groundbreaking, but it's a great album to listen to. Flows better than Amnesiac onwards, for me


(11 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I just put in my order for a desktop system that I'm buying specifically to seperate out my music and photography work machine from my gaming and internet faffery laptop... I am excite

...that is all, I just wanted to share my excitement >.<


(74 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I have a giant playlist (202 songs) that is my go-to for background music I can ignore, which I've spent most of my time on this week. Other than that, there's one CD I received to review that I've been finding myself listening to a lot... it's Skrillex's 'Bangarang' EP... say what you will, it's catchy for the most part


(12 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I am always on the hunt for more samples, so count me in for that pack

Thanks guys, I'll check those links when I have a spare moment smile


(12 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I am curious, if any chip-peeps could help out, what VSTs or other devices you use to do chip tunes that I could readily get and intergrate with FL Studio... so, preferrably a VST, really ;P

I'd like to experiment with intergrating some straight chip sounds in to what I already do, but have no idea what synths would actually work and figure you lot might save me some running around... so I intend to abuse your good will for all it's worth... MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! >.<


(501 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Boo to that! Pressure test it! Sit down and say, whatever I have at *arbitrary time* will be what I upload... your chances are good you'll get something usable ;P


(501 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I did this one primarily in Tabletop for iPad, but had to export each track and mix in FL, because the mix and limiter in Tabletop are a bit... iffy...


(27 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I am gradually working my way through the backlog of songs. I've managed a fair amount of week 5 so far, but I'm not getting anywhere near as many listened to as I'd like :-/ that said, I put more emphasis on the conversations than the comments for being part of the community


(27 replies, posted in General Discussion)

How'd everyone go?

As I said in the description for '[Placeholder]', I found myself out of time on Thursday and wrote something with cobbled together samples that turned out not half bad, and then found myself insomniatic thursday night and wrote something else that may or may not be used for week 6... we'll see...


(20 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I would, but I'm already going to Melbourne this year, so money won't stretch that far... particularly since, if I had the money to go twice... I'd meet Sir Patrick Stewart, instead...


(501 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Okay, I managed to write a decent track on a new app the day after writing this week's, so unless something else emerges before the week is out, I'll be using that... it's much more laid back than usual for my stuff on here. Almost trip-hop sounding...


(20 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Since posting on this, I've unearthed a few others. 'Aurora Sound Studio HD', 'DopplerPad', 'SynthStation', and 'Epic Synth' are all my wishlist now, and I've picked up...

'Sample Lab' a sampler with some nice features not present in most other sampling inclusive platforms

'Gruvtron' is a fun sampler with nice, easy, controls

'Instand Drummer' are a series of easy, cheap, and a little silly beat makers

'VOX 3000 Lite' is a speech synth, which may see some play in future...

'Equaliser' is one of three, I think, specific effect programs

'Twisted Wave' is a nice, simple, and robust wave form recorder and editor (trimming samples recorded in other apps suddenly became a LOT easier)

Each of those uses the 'AudioCopy' system, which allows for file moving between programs, which I am VERY happy about finding out about (call me slow on the uptake, I only found out about it by accident).


(20 replies, posted in General Discussion)

So, I was going to just post something say that I discovered that 'Tabletop' is currently $0.99 on the iTunes App store and I picked it up to muck about with and it's totally worth a dollar, even with the in-app purchases, but figured it might be fun to see what other iOS apps people are using, since there's no way to filter out the 'pro' music apps on the store and I've probably missed a whole bunch of useful ones >.<


I use Garageband quite a bit, which is significantly more robust than I'd initially anticipated. I've used it to record a bunch of demos in the past, including this (http://thealastair.tumblr.com/post/1230 … king-heads) which is hands down my favourite track of that period.

I have FL Studio, but haven't really sunk the time in to figuring it out yet, which is a bit odd I'll admit, since FL Studio is my DAW of choice...

Tabletop, as I mentioned, is pretty rad and my week 6 track will be using it.

The others I have are KORG's DM-1, Alchemy, DXi FM Synth, and I have cascadr to muck about with.

My iTunes wishlist has KORG's iKaossilator, iELECTRIBE and iMS-20, ReBirth, djay (why not, really?), Soundboard, ThumbJam, Additive Synth, Animoog, SynthX, Filtatron, and iSequence HD.

A friend of mine uses Lemur as a remote MIDI control, and it seemed pretty rad, but it strikes me as more useful in a live setting and, at $51.99, I'm not really going to buy it just to muck about.

So, anyone else have any I've missed that are worth checking out?