The Tale of the Highspeed Snowflakes Delivery Service Crew and Their Adventure in the Land of Vanished Precipitation (3parts)
By ENumPv2.0 on December 29, 2024 10:24 pm
I had a bit of time left, so this may sound a bit raw or not very finished, tried to squeeze the most out of this week, too many ideas came up during creation, not everything turned out as I wanted, but I hope this is a good ending to my sound nonsense.
Other blah-blah-blah:
Another year is passing and turning into the past, another year I managed to hold out all 52 weeks, 2018 and 2020 were screwed up, but 2022 and this one are successful, 2:2, the score is even, yay. I started having health problems, it knocked me off track quite a bit in the first months, but I firmly decided to close all weeks, yes, it is not necessary, but why not set challenges for yourself? It adds some drive, of course, for this reason (and for the reason of my laziness) there were sometimes simple noise/ambient/etc. works, but I liked doing them too, and someone even liked listening to them, so I think that they also have a right to exist (and also so that I have material in which I can make ASCII art instead of a title, he-he)
Thanks for all comments, feedback and words, I really appreciate it all, over the years I want to do something more massive, chaotic and strange and I'm glad that it can somehow still be liked, and that I can not clutter my folders with it, but also show it to the public
This decade still sucks, but maybe we will someday see less crazy times, but for now we can say goodbye until 2026, I also plan to finish double album that I started in 2023 and a couple of projects, I don't know if it will be possible to implement all this, but I will try
Happy New Year! May the next revolution around the Sun be better and more wonderful than this one.
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CC Attribution Noncommercial (BY-NC)