Weeklybeats 2024 was a 52 week long music project in which artists composed and publicly released 1 song a week for the entire year. Enjoy this archive of over 7,500 music compositions by over 300 artists.
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WeeklyBeats.com / Music / emily's music / time machines

time machines

By emily on December 18, 2022 10:49 pm

“Our subjective sense of time sits at the center of a perfect storm of unsolved scientific mysteries: consciousness, free will, relativity, quantum mechanics, and the nature of time”
-your brain is a time machine

cat food catfood

trapped in 3 dimensions or are we?

perception is not reality

is time real?

what is real?

my friend Jon has been doing a music marathon for 25hours on Christmas for over 25 years now!
i meant to submit something this year & TIME got away from me - (the deadline for submissions is monday)
i did record some vocals for a Rutabega song that will play at some point during the marathon...

maybe next year i'll hear some folks from WB on there? - send Jon some music

if you need a holiday soundtrack - this one is pretty magical! Jon Solomons 25hour radio show

you can stream it here wprb.com
Christmas Eve at 5:00 pm ET and run sleep-free until Christmas Day at 6:00 pm ET

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Copyright All rights reserved

Groovy! Loving that piano in the middle.. fantastic Cocteau Twin-ish vocals, as usual

If you remove all the "https://youtu.be/" in the link, the video will show wink

Dig the sci-fi synths.  They really give it the time travel feeling.

laguna wrote:

Groovy! Loving that piano in the middle.. fantastic Cocteau Twin-ish vocals, as usual

If you remove all the "https://youtu.be/" in the link, the video will show wink

thank you but i'm not sure i have even 1/4 of elizabeth's vocal chops wink

CosmicCairns wrote:

Dig the sci-fi synths.  They really give it the time travel feeling.

thank you for the nice track and so much interesting informations. best wishes to Jon.

got some wiggly feelz to the synths i really love heart

These sounds send me to a better future
- Ebrit

Really cool mix of sounds. The laid back but energetic drums in the back (love the hihats upfront), the very cool synth layers, and the pad like emily singing. The piano is a nice addition mid point.

What I love about weekly beats is that there are a lot of artists that I'm not sure how I'd call their genre, as it's different from everyone else's and they are very much their own person, with their style and they can be easily recognized. That would be the case of your tracks. That music genre is called "emily".

oooh love those synth lead stabs. nice portamento effect. excellent backing groove has a great beat.

Love this! A great groove! Super synth stabs! I'm time travelling to this now. Nothing is real except maybe this moment for me right now, but it might not be! Love your thoughts and links up there, gonna check out. So awesome about your friends radio marathon. I did college radio for a about 4 years at Portland State. Best times every. I always did Thanksgiving long sessions. One time friends brought me food. Ah the good ole days. I may have to go do a show somewhere again. Miss that. Great song!

The synth work in this is amazing.

Q-Rosh wrote:

thank you for the nice track and so much interesting informations. best wishes to Jon.

RajaTheResidentAlien wrote:

got some wiggly feelz to the synths i really love <3

Devieus wrote:

These sounds send me to a better future
- Ebrit

miraclemiles wrote:

Love this! A great groove! Super synth stabs! I'm time travelling to this now. Nothing is real except maybe this moment for me right now, but it might not be! Love your thoughts and links up there, gonna check out. So awesome about your friends radio marathon. I did college radio for a about 4 years at Portland State. Best times every. I always did Thanksgiving long sessions. One time friends brought me food. Ah the good ole days. I may have to go do a show somewhere again. Miss that. Great song!

thank you everyone - wishing you all cozyness!

Kedbreak136 wrote:

Really cool mix of sounds. The laid back but energetic drums in the back (love the hihats upfront), the very cool synth layers, and the pad like emily singing. The piano is a nice addition mid point.

What I love about weekly beats is that there are a lot of artists that I'm not sure how I'd call their genre, as it's different from everyone else's and they are very much their own person, with their style and they can be easily recognized. That would be the case of your tracks. That music genre is called "emily".

perhaps the kind of folks this format is interesting to (weekly challenges) are folks who are able to play and innovate - with all of this creating it seems inevitable eh?  it's been fun to hear this in your work as well - you make disparate parts play really well together!  you are also really skilled at nailing a genre brief when you want to - being able to do both is impressive!  hoping you are having a cozy winter season!
is it very cold in japan?  we had a blizzard here & -50f windchill a few days this week

dr0ptpacket wrote:

The synth work in this is amazing.

i forgot to put that the synth parts were loops so i just put the puzzle pieces in place - that synth loop was fun eh?  merry merry!

Love the laid back airy feel from the housey drums to your spirited vocals to the synth loops.  smile

Tone Matrix wrote:

Love the laid back airy feel from the housey drums to your spirited vocals to the synth loops.  smile


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