A Monumental State Of Decay
By horatiuromantic on December 18, 2022 10:45 pm
Here's a composition / performance on guitar and iPad / mirack / Koala Sampler. It is about decay and degeneration, loss and forgetting. It is vaaaguely inspired by the music of The Caretaker.
It is also heavily inspired by an old house we own that collapsed this week and we went and salvaged it. Nobody got hurt and only a few objects were destroyed but it looked really freaky and we spent two cold days moving stuff from the rubble into another structure nearby, in order to keep it away from potentially more damage. I didn't do much but I was hanging around with my folks who mainly did all the work.
I also 3d scanned the building after the collapse, and filmed the process of discovery and clearing rubble, and was thinking to put together a micro documentary about it. Not gonna be this week but at least I have the footage. might remember to share here later if done.
Again a track made without great expectations that turned out a little better than I had hoped. But I also have some nice chords and melody for a bossa track that maybe I'll keep working on.
ENJOY! and don't decay
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