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WeeklyBeats.com / Music / djippy's music / Robot, Repose en paix

Robot, Repose en paix

By djippy on April 28, 2024 6:10 pm

This is it!!! (for now at least), I feel this is an OK finale for the Friend with a robot concept album.

Kudos to @Devieus that took a shot guitar soloing on the latest section!

I might re-do a more personal solo version (or not) before I release that to all the main platforms.

So this is it, protagonist had a good life with his Robot and Simone but the robot cannot keep up anymore. They have to let it go...


Moi, Robot et Simone avons vécu plusieurs aventures
Le temps par contre fait son oeuvre,
Robot souffre à nouveau d’années d’usure.

Pièces discontinuées, softwares obsolète, le tenir online est une épreuve.

Plus de 50 années de loyaux services
Le mettre hors ligne me rend un peu dépressif.

Mais il faut savoir laisser les choses partir
Son heure est venue, Robot n’a plus d’avenir.

Salut Robot.

Je t’aime ben gros.

Salut mon beau.
Vivre avec toi fut un cadeau.

Reposes en paix!
Reposes en paix! 

Rest in peace our robot friend!

As always, I absolutely love it. Your vocals are haunting, and when the guitars pick up a little after the 2 minute mark, it’s a wall of beautiful sound.

Can’t wait for the full release

Love the concept. This is haunting and gets big! I like the final section, where tempo picks up again, then it slims down to that guitar. smile Also, nice artwork!

Great one! Nice collab, gj Devieus!

Goodbye robot, I'll miss you and the songs you've inspired. sad

Repose en paix, robot. Track parfait pour finir la saga du robot. Il y a un cote dramatique et epique, vraiment sympa.

Hah, I was gonna listen to the one you just posted but I had to go back for the robot finale! Farewell robot, your service was commendable

You did really well with that, I almost forgot we contributed to it while listening. Excellent song, too.
Shame about the robot.

fetalface wrote:

Great one! Nice collab, gj Devieus!


- Raioh

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