Weeklybeats is a 52 week long music project in which artists compose and publicly release 1 song a week for the entire year.
Starting January 1st 2024 GMT each participant will have one week to upload one finished composition. Any style of music or selection of instruments are welcomed and encouraged. Sign up or Login to get started or check our FAQ for any help or questions you may have.

Power Bar

By Devieus on June 2, 2024 3:17 pm

Boot sequence, initiated...
5 bars full...
Let's rock...

A simple concept. While I wanted to do it in Reaper, what I wanted to do was just so much easier in LMMS. It started out as just wanting to do guitar and a bass chip, then I wanted the drums to build up. I also wanted some kinda lead that more or less played itself. Finally I needed to put the birds somewhere, so they're just about anywhere for this.

Can also be for an ad for an energy bar.

If you want to play along, it starts at 80bpm doing G-A-Bb-C and then gradually speeding up and going up one semi until you run the whole octave at 140bpm. It's a solid warming up exercise, slowly charging up the creative juices.
- Spider

Audio works licensed by author under:
CC Attribution Noncommercial Share Alike (BY-NC-SA)

Love the gradually increasing tempo and when the hi hats come in. Nice work!

The tempo increase is a great idea, it really builds up energy!

Hahah i dig the tempo increase! You could have taken it all the way to even higher strata of beats! Crazy buildup!

Mission Crossing wrote:

Love the gradually increasing tempo and when the hi hats come in. Nice work!

Thank you very much!

xavier marques wrote:

The tempo increase is a great idea, it really builds up energy!

Feel free to take it, it's such a simple idea and sure to boost your engine.

Kedbreak136 wrote:

Hahah i dig the tempo increase! You could have taken it all the way to even higher strata of beats! Crazy buildup!

The issue I ran into was that I ran out of frets, more or less. I could've started over back at 0 or 1 though. Guess that's going in the warmup cookbook.

- Spider


Oooh the power bar gives the birds the energies!  Feeling it with the cool tempo idea.  Nice work!

Ha, the title track is perfect for your style. Love the concept for this track, I've never tried messing with tempo this much in a song. Got me hyped by the end!

Q-Rosh wrote:



Tone Matrix wrote:

Oooh the power bar gives the birds the energies!  Feeling it with the cool tempo idea.  Nice work!

Guess they were drones all along and this is how they get powered up

ddmm64 wrote:

Ha, the title track is perfect for your style. Love the concept for this track, I've never tried messing with tempo this much in a song. Got me hyped by the end!

The whole thing just kinda came to her and was done in very short notice after that, like it all for together right away (she's also really smart)
You should try the tempo stuff, it's a good measure to see how your gizmo handles it, because sometimes it can be a real doozy

- Ebrit

The concept behind the track is actually super fresh. I got a bit anxious at the end, the drums added to the feeling.

Hey, I wanted to make that "power bar is full" joke when I saw the title. But I see you made it yourself in the description big_smile

Agreed with moloko, the raising tempo definitely is somewhat anxiety-inducing. This would make this technique work great for some JRPG cutscene or a boss battle.

moloko wrote:

The concept behind the track is actually super fresh. I got a bit anxious at the end, the drums added to the feeling.

rplktr wrote:

Hey, I wanted to make that "power bar is full" joke when I saw the title. But I see you made it yourself in the description big_smile

Agreed with moloko, the raising tempo definitely is somewhat anxiety-inducing. This would make this technique work great for some JRPG cutscene or a boss battle.

Beat you to it~
dunno why you'd think it's anxiety inducing, perhaps that says more about you than it does the song, like, this progression is either in Dorian or in minor, where it's very powerful and heroic in Dorian, but causes anxiety in minor
There's little clue for either of them, because everything is playing power chords, tho as such only the Dorian mode will have all these power chord notes on the scale, so maybe you can lean on that?

- Ebrit

Devieus wrote:

dunno why you'd think it's anxiety inducing, perhaps that says more about you than it does the song

I think it's less about the harmony and more about the rising speed. A struggle to keep up, the anxiety of falling behind.

But yeah, it does say a lot about the listener. Art is a mirror.

rplktr wrote:
Devieus wrote:

dunno why you'd think it's anxiety inducing, perhaps that says more about you than it does the song

I think it's less about the harmony and more about the rising speed. A struggle to keep up, the anxiety of falling behind.

But yeah, it does say a lot about the listener. Art is a mirror.

Guess that's one angle, I think for us it's more the hype, the song is carrying us, rather than ahead of us, maybe because we were the ones who made it, but since the pattern doesn't change, it's easy to see where it's going
- E

  we tumble forward
rising into new vistas
led by bird and drum

great riff!

jwh wrote:

  we tumble forward
rising into new vistas
led by bird and drum

The party is complete, everything else is fluff

nedsferatu wrote:

great riff!

Simple, but efficient

- Ebrit

What a great build! I love the wide stereo image and distortion on the guitar too. And the drums have such a great space! Awesome!

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