Weeklybeats is a 52 week long music project in which artists compose and publicly release 1 song a week for the entire year.
Starting January 1st 2024 GMT each participant will have one week to upload one finished composition. Any style of music or selection of instruments are welcomed and encouraged. Sign up or Login to get started or check our FAQ for any help or questions you may have.

WeeklyBeats.com / Music / Cursory's music / Ukuleles by the Sea

Ukuleles by the Sea

By Cursory on June 28, 2024 7:58 pm

Happy Week 26, half way there somehow? Out of town but I was able to squeeze a ukulele into the car and recorded a quick loop idea on the macbook’s built-in microphone. The product is about what I’d expect - lots of undesirable noises snuck in, latency was noticeable, etc. That said, my own sloppiness impacted the quality more than the microphone itself lol. This would be fun to come back to another time and refine/iterate/etc. I do still kind of like it though smile

I am very behind on listening/commenting. So sorry to folks who were kind enough to listen and comment on my tracks lately, I have every intention of returning the favor and hope to find the time soon upon returning home. I can’t thank y’all enough for the kindness.

What is it about ukuleles that just makes me smile? Had to check out this one just based on the title, and the track didn't disappoint.

This is fun! Nice texturing with the strums, and I really like the melodic thread that's running through it. The whole piece sits together really nicely...could practically hear breaking surf in the background smile

(Related - this is an amazing time to be a musician, being able to capture multitrack ideas wherever you happen to be...I was on the road this week, too.)

ahh, so relaxing to listen to this. i think the lo-fi elements add to the charm, for me at least!
a good reminder that i need to get to some water soon.
oh - those little quick flutters are so nice, almost harp-like in parts.
and ya, emily and i were laughing about "undesirable noises" like welcome to our world  big_smile

Love all the noises included with the uke.  It makes for it's own texture and rhythm.  The fluttering lines are so pleasing to hear and i gots to hear more smile

+1 to Tone Matixes comment... love the little percs.  This is a fun little track. 

Cute little track smile Recording imperfections work ok with I think. Feels intimate. The high flourishes that come in and out are a nice touch.

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