Madonna Katerina
By colorful grey on January 31, 2016 5:04 am
Another smash hit from the 1500s by Judenkünig. I actually had a different submission already uploaded when I realized that there may be copyright issues with it, so I took that down and instead recorded this one.
It's almost the same harmonies as the last one, but with the added feature of the occasional hemiola. Which is, as wikipedia says, "a musical figure in which, typically, two groups of three beats are replaced by three groups of two beats, giving the effect of a shift between triple and duple meter." It throws me off a little every time. See if you notice. It's part of this whole renaissance rhythm thing that I have a really hard time with anyway.
Other than that, it also has more right-hand action, as the first (long) chord is always played with thumb and middle finger, but the second (shorter) chord by thumb and index finger. Plucking along!
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