Weeklybeats is a 52 week long music project in which artists compose and publicly release 1 song a week for the entire year.
Starting January 1st 2024 GMT each participant will have one week to upload one finished composition. Any style of music or selection of instruments are welcomed and encouraged. Sign up or Login to get started or check our FAQ for any help or questions you may have.


By Ashen Simian on August 11, 2024 3:27 pm

More floaty new agey wellness music. Or perhaps it is just the soul of a Yamaha DX7 shining through. One thing is certain, that if you want to sound like Brian Eno´s ambient stuff in the mid 80´s, you need a DX7 and a good reverb/echo/shimmer FX unit. Here I used just the DX7 IIfd (it is the upgraded model from early 80´s... you can play two patches simultaneously and pan them in stereo! the original, early DX was mono and monotimbral as well---also nicely a bit lo-fi compared to the later models) and Strymon Big Sky reverb pedal. Instant Eno smile.

There is something that still sounds a bit magical in that FM synthesis sound... it is certainly something much more than just the perennial DX E-piano sound, one just has to dig a bit deeper how to program it.

Thanks for the background info on the DX7.  I'm not super knowledgeable about different sorts of synths, so it's always cool to learn a bit more about them.  Some really nice textures here and it does give those floaty feels for sure. 

Cosmic Cairns wrote:

Thanks for the background info on the DX7.  I'm not super knowledgeable about different sorts of synths, so it's always cool to learn a bit more about them.  Some really nice textures here and it does give those floaty feels for sure.

Yes, it is almost massage music sounding synth smile. I tried to make the chords relaxing, but include a few harmonies that are not just basic triads, to give it a small edge. The giant reverb took the edge away, anyway smile  Thanks, I am glad you liked it and found it soothing.

"what kind of music are you into?"
"well it depends, but today i am into new agey wellness massage music"

jwh wrote:

"what kind of music are you into?"
"well it depends, but today i am into new agey wellness massage music"

Haha smile. This reminds me of the story that Thomas Dolby told in a podcast lately. Before he made his name as a solo artist he did a lot of session work and was hired to update the sound for Foreigner, the famous British/US AOR band. They were recording the album Foreigner 4 and they wanted to use synths; therefore they hired Thomas. One night he had done a beautiful synth intro for a track (which was to become the hit of the album), they guys arrived next morning to hear what he had done. The track was played and an awkward silence resulted... then the bass player said...."well...that sounds a bit like massage music".

Ashen Simian wrote:
jwh wrote:

"what kind of music are you into?"
"well it depends, but today i am into new agey wellness massage music"

Haha smile. This reminds me of the story that Thomas Dolby told in a podcast lately. Before he made his name as a solo artist he did a lot of session work and was hired to update the sound for Foreigner, the famous British/US AOR band. They were recording the album Foreigner 4 and they wanted to use synths; therefore they hired Thomas. One night he had done a beautiful synth intro for a track (which was to become the hit of the album), they guys arrived next morning to hear what he had done. The track was played and an awkward silence resulted... then the bass player said...."well...that sounds a bit like massage music".

haha that's amazing 😅

ps: listened again, still love it. that surprise ending is the icing on the cake

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