Weeklybeats is a 52 week long music project in which artists compose and publicly release 1 song a week for the entire year.
Starting January 1st 2024 GMT each participant will have one week to upload one finished composition. Any style of music or selection of instruments are welcomed and encouraged. Sign up or Login to get started or check our FAQ for any help or questions you may have.

Nullsleep Zone

By As_Yoesual on September 14, 2024 3:11 pm

Encountering a weird being in a weirder ship, telling you about his even weirder journey.


I went from sleeping rather well these last few weeks to not sleeping again; my tinnitus kept me awake.
So, one very late night /early morning, I went downstairs, decided I wanted to do something more "chiptuney meets hard techno", and started collecting sounds and setting up synths.
I mean, I already hear high-pitched sounds; Imma give that tinnitus a run for its money.

Once I did, I set them up, but I was not too fond of the beat and melody. I redid it all again and again until I found something I liked. It was quite a fun experience to see/hear how the same sounds can give a different vibe, depending on their order.

I then did the same for the stereo field of all the sounds, which I put a lot of effort into as there are a lot of sounds playing at all times. I decided the main "bleep" synth and the "warp" synth are leading, and everything else moves with or around them. I also started the track with just those two sounds, so the listener understands how the panning will pan out. (Pun intended.)

Then, I re-mixed the volumes three times until I found something good enough to go with and started working on the arrangement. I also redid that a few times, saving sections I liked from previous attempts.

The result is quite chaotic, but --listening back to all the chiptune stuff I used to listen to-- not something I am ashamed of.

This all took me until Saturday. I am exhausted as I slept only a few hours this week.

So, as for the title...
Whenever I feel this tired, I always think of "Nullsleep" because even when I first listened to "My Thin Skin" by Nullsleep, the word "Nullsleep" always resonated with me as someone who sleeps poorly and as a game developer, where "null" generally meant an invalid/void/valueless variable.

I added a few Sonic the Hedgehog samples from the old Sega era, and saved the file as "Nullsleep Zone."

1:30 in and I'm begging for the kick to just start, and then it delivers! So good.

this is my reminder to go back and listen on headphones  big_smile
sounds great on my little mono speaker, but after reading your notes i wanna get the full experience

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