Weeklybeats is a 52 week long music project in which artists compose and publicly release 1 song a week for the entire year.
Starting January 1st 2024 GMT each participant will have one week to upload one finished composition. Any style of music or selection of instruments are welcomed and encouraged. Sign up or Login to get started or check our FAQ for any help or questions you may have.


By ARiotAtParties on January 14, 2024 10:27 pm

Say hello to a guitar sample going through Granulator 3, a synth, some stringy stuff, a meandering bass... and some drums that I didn't do enough with! Yep, I could have used a few more hours to get this one entirely as I wanted it (at one point it was meant to have vocals and I wrote some lyrics for it), but here is Engrained, my first Ableton Live venture of 2024. Hope you like it!

Nice melody, simple yet effective bassline. The slow oscillating strings gives this track a lot of tension

Sounds super cool, futuristic even, nice variety of sounds happening

kinda reminds me of the portal 2 soundtrack, which is one of my favorites! all the atmosphere and the dark chord progression work really well

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