Weeklybeats is a 52 week long music project in which artists compose and publicly release 1 song a week for the entire year.
Starting January 1st 2024 GMT each participant will have one week to upload one finished composition. Any style of music or selection of instruments are welcomed and encouraged. Sign up or Login to get started or check our FAQ for any help or questions you may have.


By XC3N on June 9, 2024 8:19 pm

last minute jam on the LXR-02/DB-01 + Twisted Electrons Blast Beats setup, meh
M8 Sequencing, Strymon Bigsky/Timeline FX
... and a guest appearance from the Mood MK2 not being set up properly at the very end x_X

Audio works licensed by author under:
CC Attribution Noncommercial (BY-NC)

C'est full une bonne track ça man!


Oh MAN, I absolutely LOVE how dark and ominous this starts off!!! And then the pads kick in and give everything a slightly more laid back, but still stressful vibe. Amazing job, I love the atmosphere. I could see this being used in a frozen area in Metroid Prime!

This is sick, nice track!

??? wrote:

C'est full une bonne track ça man!

haha merci, moi qui pensait que c'tait très bof ...

jegasus wrote:

Oh MAN, I absolutely LOVE how dark and ominous this starts off!!! And then the pads kick in and give everything a slightly more laid back, but still stressful vibe. Amazing job, I love the atmosphere. I could see this being used in a frozen area in Metroid Prime!

haha aw yiss, always love being compared to Metroid soundtracks big_smile high praise! Thanks :3

nedsferatu wrote:

This is sick, nice track!

Thanks for listening! big_smile heart

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