By ViridianLoom on February 20, 2022 6:00 pm
Started this song early this week, which seems to make the biggest difference in quality. I noticed that if I wait too far into the week before starting than the end product is just a let down 90% of the time.
First thing I did was pick a "rock" tone for the guitar. Something that wasn't super hi-gain. This was done partially to appeal the sensibilities of one of my friends who prefers that kind of guitar tone haha, so I figured I'd try it out. But then I completely countered it by adding a really thick, growly bass to it, so now it sounds like a metal song again.
I spent quite a bit of time this week trying to figure out what I wanted to do with this tune. Tried writing drum parts and hated them. The bass sounded shit. The guitar sounded dull. At some point I just stopped writing and starting to EQ things, compression, adjusting levels, tweaking samples, adjusting velocities in the midi, etc. Eventually I finally found a tonal center that sounded a lot more alive and then the song slowly started to coalesce into what it is now.
The drums are admittedly busy as hell. I was trying to experiment with snare fills and using crashes to emphasize certain accents. I tried bringing the volumes down so that hopefully they're heard but not distracting.
Also, the main synth melody playing during the verses and stuff was the intended vocal melody I would have liked to sing. But I couldn't really find a timbre nor did I have any good lyrics prepared, so I opted to just let it be a synth melody at the moment. I'd like to even have someone else sing over it for a change (I'd especially love a haunting female voice on this kind of stuff).
For the final mix I used the RC-20 Retro Color to add some thick low end and then used the Ozone 9 plugin (All I did was click Mastering Assist --> Loud. As I've always ever done. Lol)
No additional story to this song. Just trying to get better at mixing and writing song structures that explore a specific idea rather than going on a long musical journey or whatever. Didn't really use any theory on this one, I'm certain its moving keys or borrowing chords frequently because I primarily used major chord shapes throughout most of the song.
I rarely include this many details but the instruments/plugins used were PRS SE Custom 22 (E Standard), Ibanez SR655E (5 string bass), BiasFx2 for amp modeling, Studio Drummer in Kontakt, MPK261 Midi Controller, Korg Polysix, Korg Triton Extreme, Raum Reverb, the aforementioned RC-20 and Ozone plugins, and DAW of choice is Reaper.
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