Weeklybeats 2024 was a 52 week long music project in which artists composed and publicly released 1 song a week for the entire year. Enjoy this archive of over 7,500 music compositions by over 300 artists.
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WeeklyBeats.com / Music / ViridianLoom's music / A Victory Lap Around the Sun

A Victory Lap Around the Sun

By ViridianLoom on January 1, 2023 12:50 am

Ok this is getting long, usually these things do. Not much to say about this song, it's just kind of a laid-back trip hop jam to round out the year. I didn't want to get to hung up on writing some big-effort track at the end of the year because I wanted to save that energy for writing an album next year. This music makes a pretty decent backdrop for reading this long blog post though.

I'm simultaneously relieved I'm done with my SECOND year (woot!) but also pensively reflecting on this being the end. Thinking back on how this year went, I feel super fulfilled with my goals. I mean sure, I didn't sing as often as I maybe would have liked to, but I did WAY more songs with vocals this year than I did in 2020. My mixes are also leaps and bounds better than what I was previously doing. It took me a long time to learn the basics because I often get to bored to be academic when trying to learn new skills. I tend to trail and error my way to where I'm trying to get to and this process is much slower than if I had actually just sat down and watched some mixing videos or read about mixing (both of which I did this year). I still have a lot to learn though.

I also felt as if the quality of my song-writing improved quite a bit. Not that I was necessarily writing worse songs in 2020, but I feel like the quality is more consistent and refined rather than experimental.

I'll probably be back for 2024. I had moments this year where I wanted to give up due to some creative turmoil but over these last few months I slowly started to change my perspective on creating music. It feels like if I can sit down to write and give it all of my available energy (of which I may have more on some weeks than others) plus a little extra, I seem to feel more satisfied with whatever the result is. I've also been better about being able to key into whatever ideas are worth pursuing and which aren't.

Speaking of which, there's a couple of recent tracks I did called "Lost in the Passage of Time" and "Aubadoir" that I'm really proud of. They're really resonating with my state of mind right now and I have so many ideas for what an album of that sort of music might sound like. So for 2023 I'm going to work on that and try to release my first album. I might end up changing my artist name (Ambiguous Dust? Harmonoia? not sure. It just needs to be goth lol. Venaht is a name I plan on using for my prog-metal music.) I have some lyrical themes in mind since the lyrics were actually coming from a personal place so they were easy to write. I just need to secure some album art and find a title for it all.

› Thanks and Congrats!

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Congratulations! We made it! Nice job on the track, and the year. I'm so glad you stuck with it, because the peer pressure definitely helped me during the dark hours of WB. Looking forward to what you have in store for 2023 and beyond.


YOU rock. big_smile I've enjoyed your music so much this year, and it's got me really looking forward to your first album when it drops! In the meantime, fantastic work in 2022, and best of luck in 2023. Happy New Year!

Well done! Great bass and piano combo sound. Hope to hear more in 2024! Happy New Year.

great smooth song. all my best wishes to you for 2023.

such beauty here, clean mix, casually-perfect delivery of every note, lovely harmonies floating me high, thank you for your magnificent style so brilliantly executed in this one same as in all your tracks. i felt so inspired each week by your mastery and craft.

Congrats on 52 weeks and Happy New Year! heart

Solid year from you! I listened to most of your tracks this year and I really like your bass playing skills. You did solid tracks and I was happy to be one of the first to listen to it.

Wish you an happy 2023 year.

That track is smooooth. I love the kick programming and how the bass is tastefully locked with it. It is laid back but keeps thinks interesting.

Your tracks this year have been really off the chart good. I am super inspired by the depth and the quality of composition that your tracks have. Please share the info about your album when you release it and I hope to see you back for the next round in 2024! And good idea about the music theory channel!

a well deserved victory lap, I love this laid back chill vibe. THen there is just those cute jams coming in from the edges and it all just hangs together. Have a great 2023 heart

A smooth ending of the year, give yourself a pat on the back for completing this year, because I can't right now. Cheers, and maybe we'll see you again in 2024.
Happy new year.
- Devieus

Perfect way to end the 2022! Thanks for sharing.

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