Weeklybeats is a 52 week long music project in which artists compose and publicly release 1 song a week for the entire year.
Starting January 1st 2024 GMT each participant will have one week to upload one finished composition. Any style of music or selection of instruments are welcomed and encouraged. Sign up or Login to get started or check our FAQ for any help or questions you may have.

WeeklyBeats.com / Music / v0's music / side road

side road

By v0 on June 9, 2024 11:50 pm

Trying to temporarily break myself out of the ambient improv spiral with a little head bobber...

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love it! i'm almost hearing this like an alternate universe M.I.A. 'Paper Planes'  big_smile
love the sounds you used, that bubbly beat is super cool

jwh wrote:

love it! i'm almost hearing this like an alternate universe M.I.A. 'Paper Planes'  big_smile
love the sounds you used, that bubbly beat is super cool

Thanks jwh smile This one felt really familiar listening back to it after recording and couldn't put my finger on it. Maybe you found it? It does for sure have kind of a Paper Planes thing going on. Was definitely one of those situations where I wasn't sure if I was subconsciously ripping something off unintentionally.

Appreciate the compliments on the sounds. Like most pieces, I usually spend 80% of the time patching sounds and the rest throwing something together or improving with them. Probably slows me down a lot, but I just really like that part of the process smile

v0 wrote:
jwh wrote:

love it! i'm almost hearing this like an alternate universe M.I.A. 'Paper Planes'  big_smile
love the sounds you used, that bubbly beat is super cool

Thanks jwh smile This one felt really familiar listening back to it after recording and couldn't put my finger on it. Maybe you found it? It does for sure have kind of a Paper Planes thing going on. Was definitely one of those situations where I wasn't sure if I was subconsciously ripping something off unintentionally.

Appreciate the compliments on the sounds. Like most pieces, I usually spend 80% of the time patching sounds and the rest throwing something together or improving with them. Probably slows me down a lot, but I just really like that part of the process smile

well i hope that didn't sound accusatory at all! i def don't think it's a ripoff or anything like that. i could sing that "i fly like paper get high like planes" melody over any number of songs, such a fun line to sing. pretty sure M.I.A. (or the Clash, who i believe she sampled for PP) didn't invent staccato 2 chord progressions smile

your track is so cool, had to listen again on headphones. so when you say "patching sounds" does that mean you are doing this on a modular setup?

jwh wrote:

well i hope that didn't sound accusatory at all! i def don't think it's a ripoff or anything like that. i could sing that "i fly like paper get high like planes" melody over any number of songs, such a fun line to sing. pretty sure M.I.A. (or the Clash, who i believe she sampled for PP) didn't invent staccato 2 chord progressions smile

your track is so cool, had to listen again on headphones. so when you say "patching sounds" does that mean you are doing this on a modular setup?

oh no no, I didn't take it like that at all. I thought it was a cool observation. It does have that kind of vibe to it, and M.I.A. is great. Mostly thought it was funny because before you commented, I kept thinking "What is it about this that sounds so familiar?" and then immediately got a comment about how it reminded you of something too. I certainly wasn't trying to do anything original here, just a quick little head bobber for fun.

By 'patching sounds' here I just mean more generally building my sounds from scratch. Starting with an oscillator or basic sound source and turning it into something that sounds good to me. I don't have a proper modular setup but use some semi-modular gear pretty heavily in my work. All the non-drum sounds on this one were made with Make Noise Strega.

that sounds like a really cool process and i could see that being a lot of fun. feels pretty over my head, but who knows maybe someday i'll dive in. cheers!

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