Weeklybeats is a 52 week long music project in which artists compose and publicly release 1 song a week for the entire year.
Starting January 1st 2024 GMT each participant will have one week to upload one finished composition. Any style of music or selection of instruments are welcomed and encouraged. Sign up or Login to get started or check our FAQ for any help or questions you may have.

Pax Intima

By Tone Matrix on August 18, 2024 4:49 pm

"Oh Hello!"
This was originally just going to be a simple static piano/pad noodle.  But after playing it a few times to the lil drum machine plugin from audiothing "SR88" it started to branch out a bit.  Through the randomness that can sometimes be Ableton.  I knew I wanted an arp of some sort, so I just randomly searched thru all the stock ableton arps and used the first few that sounded pleasant.  Tanks fer stoppin by.  Hope you all have a good week ahead! heart

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CC Attribution Share Alike (BY-SA)

Awesome. Love the crunchy beat. big_smile

you bring these elements together with such grace. Weekly Beats delivering the goods this week.
happy week 33!  heart

Man I love those warm pads with the percussion! Nostalgia thick like honey. Memories dripping sweet after morning rain (those drippy arps!) Absolute love heart

love the swells

oooooo the ending is awesome with the "drips" like neon liminal said!

The tone in this track is magic! Fuzzy and warm! The crystal bell like structures around 2:20 are also such a nice contrast, floating above it all. I get the nostalgic 80s synthwave vibe with the generous pad and the drums. The sequence from 3:08 was really beautiful - the pads disappearing and the change of dynamics grabbed the attention to this more delicate phase. That was fantastic!

It's so cool to listen to this while staring at the image you posted -- feel like I'm an explorer finding my way through the maze of seeds in a pomegranate world, and it's sticky and drippy ... in a really good way smile

Gives me the image of slipping into a cozy jacuzzi or something with all of the warm washes of sound.  It's very welcoming and inviting.

This is hypnotic.  I'm getting like, dark city night, walking through the heartbreak/loss, remembering the good times, realizing how much they mean too you, 80's movie montage vibes.  I love it.

those pads and beats are a delightful combination, creates a kind of nostalgia for a time that never was.  Really enjoyed this

Front to back, this is a really nice track! The last minute or so just seals it for me.

Great pads, and the subtle drums and bass glue the track together very nicely. Well done.

love all the swirling elements and how it transitions to the last minute. Great contrast and sound design!

The pads after the piano sound sooo good. Love the drums calmly plugging away and the dynamic filtering/pitch changes. As others have said, the second half was awesome too!

Like those opening swells as the drums continue to filter in, lots of movement with the pads, that second half has some really nice percussion elements almost crashing and fading away, was waiting for the arps, they did not disappoint, nice touch at the end.

Did not have the time to leave a comment last week, but I did listen to this track multiple times. I thought you achieved a different kind of feel and mood in here. The development from 3.00 opens up the track and it gets playfully and easier with the new pallet of plinky sounds.

This is so pretty!!!! It feels... just... calm... And warm. Really enjoying this one. Awesome job!

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