Weeklybeats 2024 was a 52 week long music project in which artists composed and publicly released 1 song a week for the entire year. Enjoy this archive of over 7,500 music compositions by over 300 artists.
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WeeklyBeats.com / Music / Tone Matrix's music / jwh - rendered into rubble (w/ emily_Napear_Orange Drink_Tone Matrix)

jwh - rendered into rubble (w/ emily_Napear_Orange Drink_Tone Matrix)

By Tone Matrix on July 28, 2024 11:22 pm

someone once said……

That sums up my feelings for this awesome week of music making.
I was inspired from everyone’s Week 29 output.  Orange Drink’s awesome head-nodder of “Desecrate” had me instantly jumping on the piano to just enjoy and learn the progression.  That is one of my fav things to do when I’m discovering everyone’s new track.  Just sitting in with the song for a bit and edu-ma-cating myself with everyone’s different influences and styles.
But nope the inspiration didn’t end there.
Josh of the famed jwh and I were reminiscing and before I knew it I was listening to a new chord progression that was inspired from Napear’s beautiful track “Rewards”.  A cinematic mood changer! 
The first day I attempted to squish my piano in I knew I was hearing something but couldn’t quite get anything down.  I finally gave up around 1am, closed ableton, fed my sorrows in the fridge with snacks and returned to my room to put the computer to sleep.  Only there was a big ol CRASH notification from Ableton.  Not the kinda crash that deletes thankfully but it had that big ol REOPEN button staring at me in the middle of the screen.  I was ready for sleep but Ableton apparently was telling me otherwise.  So I figured ok I’ll try once more.  I ended up trying twice more and the second time it clicked!  Sloppily… but it kicked.  I had something.  Recorded it and sent it away and slept like a bay bay.  When I got the seal of approval from Josh that’s when all the ideas came together even more. 
Adding piano and some rhodes (not an actual rhodes but from the Roland RD700GX) was my original goal.
Josh had also been in touch with Drew of Orange Drink (my fav drank on WB) to chime in possibly with some Trumpet, Drums and/or Vox Harms.  Oooooh wee did he ever.  In fact his contribution took the track in a slightly different much more complete direction.  The trumpet takes on a theme that I can’t get enough of.  The drums have his feel to it and gave it a groove that played with the bassline so well.  Then his vocal harms inspired me to do something I have never ever attempted to do.  SING!  Ok not so much as sing but try and hit the harmony I was hearing.  The chorus had this “We Are The World” sorta of feeling to it.  Like I was seeing all of us with headphones on around one mic just swaying.  So I did what any nerdy noodler would do, I took an empty jar, an empty beer glass and two boxes that just happened to be the right size and made a makeshift mic stand on my desk to screech into my iPhone a few lines from the chorus in my bassy gravely voice.  I did about 12 awful takes and dumped them into Ableton to see what might work.  I narrowed it down to 4 and created the ultimate QUAD_GINGE vox group.  Yay i didn’t break all the windows in Josh’s house upon listening and I was a part of my first ever vocal harmony.  After hearing the chorus so many times this week.  It was an ear worm for me.  A good one.  But then hearing Drew’s vocals I felt like I could sorta support or give a lil more bass in there with just some simple sangin.  Then! Then! to complete the first ever WB_Intramural_Basketball_Squad, Emily joined in and added her awesome vocals.
Hearing the first mix of everyone together just made me grin from ear to ear.  I felt like the grinch going from neutral to smile
Most of what I did on this track was a happy accident.  But I also have to thank Josh for being so understanding and good at getting his ideas across to me.  He sent over a guitar line giving me an idea and that made the Rhodes line come together so much better and quicker. 
I feel like I’m forgetting something, to thank someone even more.  It’s been a weird week.  I was so focused on the fun and creativity of working on this.  I didn’t realize I was also in the middle of a Blood Pressure/Atrial Fibrillation episode for the past few weeks.  Meds did not help me at first.  Working on this helped me not think about what I was going thru.  This is why I love music and exist for music.  That feeling of time not existing.. Hours go by you keep working at it.  You keep editing, trying things out etc. I skipped a meal here and there fueled by my trusty cup o joe.  Didn’t notice that I technically probably should have gone to the ER Saturday.  When I realized it was too late for urgent care, stubborn me decided to wait til Sunday morning.  Long story short, I’m ok atm.  They gave me clonidine which lowered it real quick.  So much that I laid back on the urgentcare bed and put on my EarPods and drifted away for a bit to this and Elliott Smith on random.  heart
I’m writing way too much.  But that is because this is prob one of my proudest favoritest moments in my music life. 
I’ve never sung, I’ve never sung with others and gosh I’m just so proud of how this track sounds. 
Thank you Emily, Josh, Napear and Orange Drink and the WB community for making this such a welcoming supportive experience.

sing along with me…. “Loooooooove…..”



This community is amazing.  For the first time in my life I've found "my people" - the people who will follow musical dreams until the end.

I am so excited that you SANG!  So great to hear from you and I hope this is only the beginning.  I inspired you to sing; you inspired me to play more piano.  I heard your awesome stuff on Desecrate and here I am getting ready to order my first keyboard.  SO EXCITE. 

Your piano chords were so dense and added so much gravitas to this track!  The rhodes were vibey (attitude vibes, not vibraphone vibes) and the piano was the raw emotion.  Love how you did that octave thing that followed jwh's descending melody line.

"his contribution took the track in a slightly different much more complete direction"

huge compliment and my goal as a musician/person - to see/hear things in a different way and share it with others.  inspiring them would be a total gift!

UM could you do me a huge personal favor and double check up on your heart health regularly?  I need decades more of TM piano noodles to help me cope with life/be inspired to play piano.  Cool?  K Thx byee

u rock and i'm excited that the recent work got us emailing!!

Another great collab, and such a big one too. Great work to you all.
When you mentioned 'We Are the World' I got the strangest picture in my head.  I only know what orangedrink looks like, so it was a bunch of animated avatars singing along with him - all rather Roger Rabbit-esque.
WB really does draw together the coolest humans it seems

100% agree with all of the above... much harder make new music when ones has 0 health... positive integers only please.  But also, I'm so glad that everyone came together for this track... and that you SANG!! Very awesome.  This has been super fun to hear all the contributions as they were coming in through out the week.  This week was extremely emotionally draining, and it was energizing every time Josh would send over the latest mix... each one with new parts, added.  This track has been the light at the end of every one of the shitty day I've had this week, and I'm glad that it's been so inspiring for you as well. 

orangedrink wrote:

This community is amazing.  For the first time in my life I've found "my people" - the people who will follow musical dreams until the end.

Absolutely this, I'm sooooo glad I stumbled across WB, this has been (easily) the most musically rewarding season of my life yet, BECAUSE this community is so awesome. 

I saw all the names listed in the title and knew this was going to be something special.  Glad to see such collaborative energy happening and yielding such wonderful results.  And that health stuff sounds super scary.  Take care of yourself!

This was so beautiful. What a wonderful collaboration you are all amazing, thank you heart

orangedrink wrote:

This community is amazing.  For the first time in my life I've found "my people" - the people who will follow musical dreams until the end.

I am so excited that you SANG!  So great to hear from you and I hope this is only the beginning.  I inspired you to sing; you inspired me to play more piano.  I heard your awesome stuff on Desecrate and here I am getting ready to order my first keyboard.  SO EXCITE. 

Your piano chords were so dense and added so much gravitas to this track!  The rhodes were vibey (attitude vibes, not vibraphone vibes) and the piano was the raw emotion.  Love how you did that octave thing that followed jwh's descending melody line.

"his contribution took the track in a slightly different much more complete direction"

huge compliment and my goal as a musician/person - to see/hear things in a different way and share it with others.  inspiring them would be a total gift!

UM could you do me a huge personal favor and double check up on your heart health regularly?  I need decades more of TM piano noodles to help me cope with life/be inspired to play piano.  Cool?  K Thx byee

u rock and i'm excited that the recent work got us emailing!!

Thank you and yes workin on dat health bit part.  I wanna practice my harmonies!  And so agree.  MY PEOPLES! heart

lament.config wrote:

Another great collab, and such a big one too. Great work to you all.
When you mentioned 'We Are the World' I got the strangest picture in my head.  I only know what orangedrink looks like, so it was a bunch of animated avatars singing along with him - all rather Roger Rabbit-esque.
WB really does draw together the coolest humans it seems

thank you lol my avatar is pretty close except the beard doesn't fit in the box tongue but i would love a roger-rabbitt-esque animated video of said singing smile

Cosmic Cairns wrote:

I saw all the names listed in the title and knew this was going to be something special.  Glad to see such collaborative energy happening and yielding such wonderful results.  And that health stuff sounds super scary.  Take care of yourself!

Thanks so much for the kind comments I appreciate you listening always! Workin on da health part smile

This is a beautiful story and the result is magic. The singing in this track is stellar. There is something of the classic 70s rock music in the voice here, I am digging it. And a sense of sweet love, maybe a nostalgia to simpler times. This track is just heartwarming! Favoriting it.

Take care with your health! Take it easy!

Napear wrote:

100% agree with all of the above... much harder make new music when ones has 0 health... positive integers only please.  But also, I'm so glad that everyone came together for this track... and that you SANG!! Very awesome.  This has been super fun to hear all the contributions as they were coming in through out the week.  This week was extremely emotionally draining, and it was energizing every time Josh would send over the latest mix... each one with new parts, added.  This track has been the light at the end of every one of the shitty day I've had this week, and I'm glad that it's been so inspiring for you as well. 

orangedrink wrote:

This community is amazing.  For the first time in my life I've found "my people" - the people who will follow musical dreams until the end.

Absolutely this, I'm sooooo glad I stumbled across WB, this has been (easily) the most musically rewarding season of my life yet, BECAUSE this community is so awesome.

Thanks so much and thank you for such an inspiring track.  It's neat to think how I first heard "Rewards" and was hearing that low piano note and then all of a sudden I'm working on it.  Such a fun and inspiring week during some difficult times for all of us I think.  Getting the different mixes this week was like a energizing power pill each time. Yay! smile

Kedbreak136 wrote:

This is a beautiful story and the result is magic. The singing in this track is stellar. There is something of the classic 70s rock music in the voice here, I am digging it. And a sense of sweet love, maybe a nostalgia to simpler times. This track is just heartwarming! Favoriting it.

Take care with your health! Take it easy!

I'm def exploring new sides I never thought I had in me musically.  So it's been a fun process.  Thank yew for the nice comments and listening heart

Damn! Congrats to all of you, this is a beautiful track, @Tone Matrix, take care of yourself...

Agreed with other that the vocal performance is great!

Beautiful track with a lot of ear candies in it.

AMAZING! Love this collab/aka WB_Intramural_Basketball_Squad. I'm glad you're doing better and ignored your health to make this, it truly is wonderful. I can tell how happy and excited you are about it through your writing and rightfully so. Love the story and amazing job to everyone on this!

This is so so good. What an amazing collab. Just phenomenal work. Faved.

I put a different comment on Josh's entry so here lemme focus on how your piano elevates this beautiful ballad. Great idea to use both an acoustic and a Rhodes. You managed to make the sounds the bed of the song, but they're not overpowering the delicate structure. Gorgeous.

But man, the vocals are great. Something I'm pretty jelly of as I'm not very well skilled in that regard. The result is spectacular. Great job, everyone!

I am so excited to start seeing more collabs on here with other WB artists. This one is fantastic.  Really like the slow build in the intro and then the gradual rise in this "feel good" track.  I agree the piano and Rhodes provide a solid framework here that allows the other instruments (i.e. horns) to shine. And it's your vocal debut too!! Who knew? Hope to hear more like this.  Regarding your health, especially the afib, I too had afib last year and had an ablation in January.  It's now in check, and I'm doing much better.  Don't wait around when it comes to stuff like that.  Nip it in the bud.  Okay?

djippy wrote:

Damn! Congrats to all of you, this is a beautiful track, @Tone Matrix, take care of yourself...

Agreed with other that the vocal performance is great!

Beautiful track with a lot of ear candies in it.

thank you smile

SQF wrote:

AMAZING! Love this collab/aka WB_Intramural_Basketball_Squad. I'm glad you're doing better and ignored your health to make this, it truly is wonderful. I can tell how happy and excited you are about it through your writing and rightfully so. Love the story and amazing job to everyone on this!

thank you smile

BarristerPlong wrote:

This is so so good. What an amazing collab. Just phenomenal work. Faved.

thank you smile

rplktr wrote:

I put a different comment on Josh's entry so here lemme focus on how your piano elevates this beautiful ballad. Great idea to use both an acoustic and a Rhodes. You managed to make the sounds the bed of the song, but they're not overpowering the delicate structure. Gorgeous.

But man, the vocals are great. Something I'm pretty jelly of as I'm not very well skilled in that regard. The result is spectacular. Great job, everyone!

Thanks! I prob use the piano too much on my own schtuff, but with everyone's awesome singing and the instrumentation a nice high octave rhodesy sound feels good to play smile  thanks so much for the kind comments and listening

Bunjigram wrote:

I am so excited to start seeing more collabs on here with other WB artists. This one is fantastic.  Really like the slow build in the intro and then the gradual rise in this "feel good" track.  I agree the piano and Rhodes provide a solid framework here that allows the other instruments (i.e. horns) to shine. And it's your vocal debut too!! Who knew? Hope to hear more like this.  Regarding your health, especially the afib, I too had afib last year and had an ablation in January.  It's now in check, and I'm doing much better.  Don't wait around when it comes to stuff like that.  Nip it in the bud.  Okay?

Thank you I'm making sure of that yes i shall smile and yea i was originally told i didn't need ablation but i'll see how these next few appts go, thank you so much for the kind comments smile

Congratulations to all participants of this beautiful song. You have really really done something special.

Q-Rosh wrote:

Congratulations to all participants of this beautiful song. You have really really done something special.

thank you kindly Q-Rosh for both comments smile heart

Absolutely you should be proud, all of you did an amazing job and added crucial pieces to the track, incredible how this all came together in one week with so many people, different schedules, different setups, the entire thing sounds like you recorded it live in one place.   

Jason Nijjer wrote:

Absolutely you should be proud, all of you did an amazing job and added crucial pieces to the track, incredible how this all came together in one week with so many people, different schedules, different setups, the entire thing sounds like you recorded it live in one place.

thank you so much!  it kinda felt like we recorded in one place smile  things just happily fell into place but Josh wrangled the mix in thankfully.  Glad that wasn't up to me lol

WOWWWy ZOWY! I love this song. I just commented over on jwh page too. The super group. The WB intramural team lol. You sang! So cool. The quad ginge hahaha. Such an inspiring community here, so awesome to see collaborating happening. Giving me many smiles. I really appreciate your write up. I hope you are feeling ok though! I love what you wrote about what music does in your life, yesss! Creating art makes life better. I'm trying to figure out why then I talk myself out of doing it sometimes, a paradox. Thanks for all you do and share!

Thanks so much for listening and your kind comments.  Def know what ya mean tho about that paradox..  Some weeks hit harder than others that's for sure.  smile

Heck yes! Commented on jwh's post as well but this is just such a joyful track. So glad you all got together and made this one happen smile

miraclemiles wrote:

WOWWWy ZOWY! I love this song. I just commented over on jwh page too. The super group. The WB intramural team lol. You sang! So cool. The quad ginge hahaha. Such an inspiring community here, so awesome to see collaborating happening. Giving me many smiles. I really appreciate your write up. I hope you are feeling ok though! I love what you wrote about what music does in your life, yesss! Creating art makes life better. I'm trying to figure out why then I talk myself out of doing it sometimes, a paradox. Thanks for all you do and share!

imma dummy i thought i quoted you before, oops! Thank you!
*duh* Thanks so much for listening and your kind comments.  Def know what ya mean tho about that paradox..  Some weeks hit harder than others that's for sure.

Cursory wrote:

Heck yes! Commented on jwh's post as well but this is just such a joyful track. So glad you all got together and made this one happen smile

Thank you for listening! It was def a joy to be a part of smile

Oh wow!

Agree with Kedbreak, this has the feel of those lush 70s rock hits. Great instrumentation, and so much texture going on, but never feels cluttered...just a beautiful array of sounds all blending together. Love the drums, it makes the entire piece breathe. The gem of it all is those vocals, though. Wonderful vocals performance, and fantastic rich harmony.

Absolutely stellar collab! The vibes are hitting the feels with those unison vocal lines. Just an overall fantastic tune.


This is like the Avengers of WB collabs - a sizable group of individually talented and lovely people pouring their skills together into a cohesive and beautiful whole. It's so exciting to hear each of your trademark sounds blending together like this. heart

What a wonderful collaboration. Great work, everybody! big_smile

I love this band, everything goes so well together.
- Devieus

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