Forgot That We Could Always Swim
By Tone Matrix on December 22, 2024 9:45 pm
A bit of a scare this week (or one day ago). As I procrastinated my way through the week I finally got started on something Saturday night. It was 3mins worth of a mostly ambient track that I figured was good enough to submit. Went to watch some tv and came back with some extra ideas to add and saw that my computer was gasping for air aka "the startup screen was stuck frozen" and I had no idea why. As it finally came back up it suddenly showed the "choose a language" screen. I just about lost my brain stem as I feared the worst that somehow my mac decided to wipe the hard drive. Backups you say? Sure I got those! But did I backup recently? Like this year? Uhhhh. Ohhh me. Oh no. No no. No no no no no no!
So I immediately turned the computer off at that language screen as if no one witnessed the tragedy that maybe it really didn't happen. I could feel the blood draining from my noggin so I walked immediately outside in my "not_dressed_for_coldish_weather_clothing" (shh it was low 50s for Miamians) and tried to think of how I could rescue my p00ter.
..... insert jeopardy music ....
cooled head.
"RESET THE PRAM AND SMC!!!!" he exclaimed!
Long story short. That brought it back up as if nothing happened.
Now I'm not sure what happened and i'm a lil scared of the next few days but you can dang bet I backed up allllll my music folders the second it came back up.
I woke up today feeling a bit angry at the glitch_gnomez that tried to sabotage my day so I sat back at the keys and worked on the track more.
Originally it was going to be a 3:32min track and end on the piano chords but feeling that extra bit o'energy.
"Leeeeet me just fix this one note" four hours laaaater..... **gary meows**
(i prob coulda spent some more time working on da mix and making it a teensy louda but shrugz i be all out of spinach for today) **t00t!**
thank you for reading this abomination and most of all stoppin by.
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