Aperture No. 9, in F minor
By sylcmyk on October 25, 2020 3:52 pm
A piece about an everlasting sunset.
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WeeklyBeats.com / Music / sylcmyk's music / Aperture No. 9, in F minor
A piece about an everlasting sunset.
Audio works licensed by author under:
Copyright All rights reserved
man i love it when you do this!
i am very curious about your process, do you write this music down or is it improvised and composed on the fly then just recorded?
haha sorry about the blank comment. This is just so nice though, hearing people play like this never gets old. Keep it up
do you write this music down or is it improvised and composed on the fly then just recorded?
50/50. I spend most of my time in front of my keyboard improvising on a mood, memory or moment. Then I'll refine whatever I come up with, if I can remember it the day after!
Very pretty. This sunset just won't end.
haha sorry about the blank comment. This is just so nice though, hearing people play like this never gets old. Keep it up <3