Unmoored Influence (WB31)
By spry on August 2, 2020 11:36 am
A day and night spent on and off trying to avoid distractions while making this happen. I wasn't able to muster my usual pointed focus so the times are just the time I actually spent working on the song but it took me most of the day to finish. Use my tanpura as the recorded instrument and tuned the strings to a minor chord.
Started with the bass part and some drum patterns and that took around 20 minutes to flush something out. 40 minutes filling in accompaniment instruments and drum patterns, at this point I decided to use the tanpura and went about tuning it, messing around with ideas and recording some loops to use and that took about 1 hour, spent another 1 hour messing with the recorded loops, adjusting fx/sidechain, resampling and blending the other instruments, spent 40 minutes putting the structure together cause it took 3 passes for instruments/drums/audioloops, 20 minutes adjusting fx, pan and volumes for all the tracks, 30 minutes working on master track fx automation and adding a phaser to the beginning and end of the track, 15 more minutes polishing the transitions and done! Total work time just under 5 hours with about as much or more slacking off in between steps :-X
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