Floating Remainder (WB37)
By spry on September 13, 2020 5:26 pm
Another week messing around with the Whistletar. Decided to showcase it more closely with minimal background instruments this week.
Unfortunately, I had hoped that approach would make the process quicker. It did not. I took about 30 minutes writing some basic bass and accompaniment parts then started messing around with the Andes25F. Spent about 30 minutes and couldnt really get a good feel without a more solid rhythm so I programmed in a drum part. Tried again for 30 minutes and I was starting to come up with some melody pieces but it wasnt coming together. Went back and spent 15 minutes recording an IABABBO structure (that has been my structure for the past two weeks as well). Finally spending about 45 minutes recording a few takes of whistles. Then took about an hour and a half going through 4 takes and picking the best loops and smashing them into a sequence. another hour messing with volumes, fx and hunting down peaking and out of tune parts before saying that has to be good enough. Total work time about 4 hours!
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