Fort Lauderdale Mornings
By Ruffian Price on May 29, 2022 10:48 pm
More synthwave! I keep making the most generic choruses imaginable, need to get some better ideas.
Audio works licensed by author under:
CC Attribution Noncommercial (BY-NC) / Music / Ruffian Price's music / Fort Lauderdale Mornings
More synthwave! I keep making the most generic choruses imaginable, need to get some better ideas.
Audio works licensed by author under:
CC Attribution Noncommercial (BY-NC)
My SO and I both loved this one! Epic opening with spot-on instrumentation and it just keeps getting better. One or the other of us kept pointing out how good it was as it developed ("that's cool…" "this sounds great…", "I LOVE this one…"). I played it again later on and SO went nuts for it again ("wow, this one is great, too"). So for science, I waited a while and played it a third time, but they were onto me by then ("this is the same one, right? Because it's the best one."). Fav'd + downloaded.
most generic choruses imaginable, need to get some better ideas
Pssst... your negative self-talk is showing. Also it's wrong, this is rad
Whatever wakes you up in the morning, and this is one hell of a beat to weak up to.
- Spider