Drowning in Stress
By rdomain on January 31, 2020 8:17 am
Music for drum machine.
One take performance on the Tempest drum machine. No edits.
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WeeklyBeats.com / Music / rdomain's music / Drowning in Stress
Music for drum machine.
One take performance on the Tempest drum machine. No edits.
Audio works licensed by author under:
Copyright All rights reserved
this is killer, love the ringing feedback and abrupt ruptures. really sounds edited which makes me want a tempest immediately if you can throw it around this violently - sounds nothing like a drum machine. nice.
this is killer, love the ringing feedback and abrupt ruptures. really sounds edited which makes me want a tempest immediately if you can throw it around this violently - sounds nothing like a drum machine. nice.
Definitely my fave 'drum machine' and a fave bit of kit in general. Will never sell.
Damn this is intense. Awesome work.
Thanks man!
This is genuinely so scary to listen to. I LOVE it <3 Super gnarly!
Awesome, cheers!
Nasty business! Love it.
Excellent . Thanks!
Genuinely found this stressful but awesome track!!!
Haha, good to hear! Thanks for listening.
I'm back to my usual teaching work plus 2 scoring/sound design jobs currently so will listen to everyone's tracks when I can!
Thanks for the cool feedback
Teaching - the bane of time.
This is a fuckin' slick track. The only other drum machine/thing that I've heard that sounds this wild is the one in the Folktek Mescaline.
You are definitely the Tempest master never seen anyone else commit to that particular piece of gear so hard. Kel's drum beat sounds really good ....
Teaching - the bane of time.
This is a fuckin' slick track. The only other drum machine/thing that I've heard that sounds this wild is the one in the Folktek Mescaline.
Yes indeed. Got a backlog of school crap I need to wade through.
Thanks dude! And yes, I love the Mescaline. I just got some break out boards the other week for the Matter to hack so I can hopefully use them with the Mescaline. Those Dupont cables make you blind though I swear! Tiny! Haha.
You are definitely the Tempest master never seen anyone else commit to that particular piece of gear so hard. Kel's drum beat sounds really good ....
Ah thanking you kind sir! It is a worthy bit of gear to commit to. As for Kell's beats..... possession is 9 tenths of the law right?
wild and brutal industrial sounds. i felt like i was in a helicopter crash towards the end (in a good way)