Weeklybeats is a 52 week long music project in which artists compose and publicly release 1 song a week for the entire year.
Starting January 1st 2024 GMT each participant will have one week to upload one finished composition. Any style of music or selection of instruments are welcomed and encouraged. Sign up or Login to get started or check our FAQ for any help or questions you may have.


By RajaTheResidentAlien on October 16, 2022 11:46 pm

Barely making the upload this week. Still working so much on this app for my norns, it has 5 live-loopers synchronized to a one-shot 5-voice drum-sequencer, and i've added the ability to have it randomly select different files from a folder as it plays(so for example, if i have a folder of bass-drum files, the bass drum sound keeps changing along with the beat), then i added some 'swing' to the sequencer(but did so in a way where you can have the amount of 'swing' change randomly over time between a range... adds more of a feeling of 'human error' to it), and i also added live-input recording into the loopers(while perfecting their 'modes'... one mode is for 'stutter', another for 'delay with feedback', and the final mode is 'live-looper' which captures recording then plays it in a loop after a certain cyclical timing). and finally, for the looper mode, decided it should scramble the loop on its own after a certain number of repetitions(a bit like the app gets bored of repeating the recording of my playing over and over, so it decides to improvise how it plays it back big_smile)...
unfortunately, i took so much time developing the app this week, that i hardly had time to make any music with it, this is just a quick capture of me playing through it in the last hour before this week's deadline and trying to demo the live-input recording plus automated-playback-scrambling lol

probably the least-exciting track i've made for weeklybeats thus far, but at least i got this much done(and there's a big win in the long-term future as i get this app up-and-running for performance standards smile )

thanks for checking it out heart

crazy rhythms!! nice work and next level originality. the guitar notes that pierce through make it extra special

Congrats on the app progress, I'm pretty interested in both SC & Norns, but nothing's going to happen until next year.

I dunno about the intent, but this flows pretty well -- the guitar bits in particular give it a pretty well-defined shape. Absolutely love the looper w/ own improvising, would be very interested in trying yours out.

Controversial title for Week 41! wink Brrrrrt brrrrt good beat and guitar isn't out of place, surprisingly! Works together much better than I would have expected.

What’s the saying? “It’s the cobbler’s children that go without shoes.” Aren’t a lot of luthiers out there making and then performing with an instrument in a week! Something I've noticed about the song-a-week format is that it’s really hard to do fit exploration, inspiration, and composition all into that time so something’s got to give. Usually for me that the exploration part, and so I end up in kind of musical ruts. My hats off to you for doing the exploration and making it work!

Lots of cool percussive noises and the guitar adds a really nice element to it as well.  I like how it's kind of chaotic but also kind of has an internal logic to it.

Nice, loved the guitar, and what was happening with that. The glitched out bits add some surprise interest. Cool what you're doing with Norns. There's some patches for Organelle I've used that do kinda similar sampling things.

The guitar acts as glue compressor, bringing order to the chaotic drums. Dig it!

nice title - welcome to the fold wink feels good laying down some tape, eh?
really cool shuffling. I wasn't sure about this until the guitar came in and then I recognized that cybernetic organic hybrid that only you can pull off.

it is fantastic to be able to follow the progression of your app. the development is going on very well. I find the little machine very cool. I could use it too, for sure. but I would not like the programming so much.
when the guitar came into the track I was very surprised and enjoyed all the manipulations you did with it. together with those glitchy beats I felt very home and secure. thank you for this inspiration

There's some great grooves in this, really enjoying the sounds, glitchy and organic as well

I was just talking to a friend about hardware that has the capability to reference files from a folder for playback.

Lots of potential with this!

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