Weeklybeats is a 52 week long music project in which artists compose and publicly release 1 song a week for the entire year.
Starting January 1st 2024 GMT each participant will have one week to upload one finished composition. Any style of music or selection of instruments are welcomed and encouraged. Sign up or Login to get started or check our FAQ for any help or questions you may have.

WeeklyBeats.com / Music / Q-Rosh's music / effect chain

effect chain

By Q-Rosh on June 30, 2024 7:30 pm

Done in a small time-corridor this week. Could not exactly implement what the goal was, but enough to bring it out. It is 70% the result of effectpedals and the way I have them chained on the pedal bord with 30% tones from the ipad.

This track is mystical. The kick feels like a heartbeat. The section from 4:120 onwards, with the pad like guitar layer and the high lead has a Tibetan feel to me (just me probably). I feel that we are sitting with Buddhist monks reciting mantras.  I love the sounds you get from your effect pedals. Maybe I should dust off my pedal board and try to explore textures with them.

had to listen a few times already. so many cool details going on in this immersive track. you are so great at bringing in textures to support your musical narratives. you also have me wanting to run tracks through my pedals now...
hope you have a great week, Q-Rosh

So many wonderful sounds of ear candy in this.  Feels like I'm lounging on a cloud with a radio tuning into and exploring different broadcasts from the past. A calming track to ease the soul.  Well done!

Great sounds as always.  I like what sounds like some extremely distorted voices speaking.  I also like how it seems to build in urgency as it goes on.

Groovy, like that "off" time guitar at start.

Again super cool textures and nice journey.

I'd be super curious to hear your work on a more "conventional-pop" track at some point too as some part of this track kind of are!

Cool track.

What a trip! Nice work, Q-Rosh!

I really like this, the groove is hypnotic and I love how the melodic sounds build on top. Really interesting

I settled into this flow. Hypnotic, then the horn sounds at around 2 mins are so lovely. And big change in beat was fun. I like your sound exploration here, with beats to keep us toe tapping, nice!

I notice I really love listening to your songs, but find it hard to express into words as it's so different from anything I've heard before. Thanks for sharing. smile

magical effects chain

Really like the haunting atmosphere with the in front jazzy drums. Really great use of FX.

Sounds quite morphed out like the parts are melting together. What were the pedals you were using? rad stuff.

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