Weeklybeats is a 52 week long music project in which artists compose and publicly release 1 song a week for the entire year.
Starting January 1st 2024 GMT each participant will have one week to upload one finished composition. Any style of music or selection of instruments are welcomed and encouraged. Sign up or Login to get started or check our FAQ for any help or questions you may have.

dyna dub

By Q-Rosh on September 22, 2024 6:23 pm

I could not edit extensively, had to work the whole week.
You know, I am a total beginner with saxophone, clarinet and the fretless bass. And the drumming is painfully bad. But I had fun and really gave my very best.

You're coaxing some great sounds and textures out of those instruments and the track feels like it confidently knows exactly where it's going.  I enjoyed the ride.

what are you talking about, this is so cool!
seriously, really cool and kinda ominous (or just late night walking) vibe.
love the panning on the fretless, and how the woodwinds pull me in

Beautiful. And very soothing to listen to. There is a special charm to the gentle tones when playing something at beginner level, like a kind of searching.

I agree with jwh, this is awesome, and could very easily be the score of like a bunch of different things.  I totally get a like White Wolf style urban vampire on the hunt in a scene of late night urban decay... maybe they get fixated on someone who's moving through the scene that doesn't quite fit... they follow them into an old warehouse expecting to witness a shady drug deal or some such, only to find out they are actually a hunter and walked right into a trap... and now I'm rambling, but it's an awesome track... and the drums are not painful in the slightest to my ears... not even bad, I think they fit the track well. 

Love those new textures from a Q-Rosh track!
Saxophone, fretless bass slides, drums, if you didn't write about it I wouldn't have known it is all new stuff from you.

Either you edited the shit out of the recording, either you are a natural!

Very fun listen!


Holy shit, this is amazing. Nice work man!!

fantastic start! I feel I lost interest at first when the tempo didn't pick up, but I'm probably not in the right mindset. But the textures are great, nice you picked up the sax. After giving it another try I could get into the textures and the groove and I have to say I misjudged the drums at first. I like the percussions at ~4min. this kind of stuff kept me interested on the second listen, but I just had to give it more time. I feel this is a brilliant track when receptive to it, and those horns in the beginning pulled me in, but there was something missing to keep me there before I was ready for it. it's not very good criticism but I thought you might wanna hear it anyway. keep up the good work!

very chill track, I agree with others if you didn't let on that you were a beginner it isn't immediately obvious that this is the case. Was just listening in the background as I was doing some and it was over before I knew it could have listened to this for quite some time as I was pounding away on the keyboard for work.

Oh I like it. That bass sounds so good, it locks us in. I think drums sounds fine, I was grooving along, they feel human which is good. The sax and clarinet standout as they have been in your recent tracks too. Giving it our best is all we can do!

This is just wonderful. Moody and bluesy with just a little bit of trip hop. The deep sax and fretless bass really give this track a dark, noiresque soul (the bass every now and then sounds very Tool which I also love). There's a story here, it takes me on a bit of a wanderlust, really great listen.

wow, way too hard on yourself! This is great, pat yourself on the back and make more!

I enjoyed the way this track evolved organically, layer by layer. The mixing is really nice, leaving space and air to each instrument. You may say the drumming is bad but I think it brings a good groove, while not overpowering everything, treading a fine line between keeping the beat while not destroying the organic nature of the track. The other instruments weave and float around in a beautiful complex dance. That was beautiful.

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