By Podling on May 6, 2018 3:35 am
Was drawn to my Gretsch this week. Came up with a few potential elements experimenting with an alt tuning I hadn't tried before. Had a song in the works for some solid hours and then in the end got bored of it, so scrapped it and swapped to piano. Came up with a potential piano piece that I may revisit later on but just needed a fresh approach.
I then went to and used the 'give me a random sound' search and after some searching found a nice ambient piece that I snipped, pitched and looped. Then found a nice amp fx for my Gretsch and recorded the lead guitar parts. Then warmed up the minibrute synth for some layers of synthy goodness and then later added other MIDI layers.
Sometimes scrapping everything and starting again is the way to go. Felt a sense of freedom and enjoyed the final process.
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