circumzenithal arc
By PieBaron on March 10, 2024 4:15 pm
Audio works licensed by author under:
CC Attribution Noncommercial No Derivative Works (BY-NC-ND) / Music / PieBaron's music / circumzenithal arc
Audio works licensed by author under:
CC Attribution Noncommercial No Derivative Works (BY-NC-ND)
Really interesting composition, I like that the drone sound cuts abruptly, it feels really unusual.
Really interesting composition, I like that the drone sound cuts abruptly, it feels really unusual.
It was another one of those rushed sessions, I discarded the main 15 minute recording and kept this bit at the end where I tried to wrap it up, but I really liked the unexpected behaviour when I turned off the clocks, so this track is sort of me just messing with briefly starting and stopping the whole system to see how the feedback behaviours act in this "idle" mode, and it made a pretty cool and unusual atmosphere!
??? wrote:Really interesting composition, I like that the drone sound cuts abruptly, it feels really unusual.
It was another one of those rushed sessions, I discarded the main 15 minute recording and kept this bit at the end where I tried to wrap it up, but I really liked the unexpected behaviour when I turned off the clocks, so this track is sort of me just messing with briefly starting and stopping the whole system to see how the feedback behaviours act in this "idle" mode, and it made a pretty cool and unusual atmosphere!
Ha thanks for the infos, quite interesting, I ought to try stuff like that!