Weeklybeats 2024 was a 52 week long music project in which artists composed and publicly released 1 song a week for the entire year. Enjoy this archive of over 7,500 music compositions by over 300 artists.
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WeeklyBeats.com / Music / Parallelis's music / We Hatin' Everybody

We Hatin' Everybody

By Parallelis on March 4, 2012 1:02 pm

Something different. Mainly because I didn't finish anything electronic this week, though I started a few things. So this is a rap song by "$$$" the rap group composing of my brother (White Na$ty) and I (Little D'wayne).

It's joke rap. and it's produced, written, and performed by us.....

Sorry that the mastering kinda sucks hmm

Yes. This is gold. The backing is also awesome! Where's those samples from?

This makes me wet

I'm loving your Hatin' and lyrics with Satan.  I may have crapped myself, this is funny and totally different.  Great work!

hahahahahahaha oh man I love this

hahahahah thanks for all the comments guyz

@jetkick it's a song by confunkshun. "too tight". good stuff :3

@spOOked: that is....amazing. i'm speechless yikes

Oh my gosh  SOOOO GOOD!  Gonna download this TWICE. 

^Also dat .gif be so on^^^

hahahaha this is hot brah

hahah megatron looks so gay with that walk.. also.. nice rap.. super quiet mix.. but still awesome wink

hahahaha good samples on a serious note

yeah boi smile

I actually like the quite mix.

Like the ol skool vibe. 

got some serious funk goin on

ol' school hiphop! I love the funky base. Congratz!

def on a fun tip :-)  Cool cut in bg

nice hop!! big_smile

h8 eeeeerbuddy breh!
I love the samples in this song though, I fucking love this cool

yo thanks man!

thanks for all the positive feedback guys big_smile

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