Lazy Morning
By Derris-Kharlan on March 4, 2012 1:14 pm
Piano, Scarbee, Drums, Guitar
Audio works licensed by author under:
CC Attribution Noncommercial (BY-NC) / Music / Derris-Kharlan's music / Lazy Morning
Piano, Scarbee, Drums, Guitar
Audio works licensed by author under:
CC Attribution Noncommercial (BY-NC)
Cool... jazzy. Love the transition to super funky disco sound. Really unexpected!
Who are you and what have you done with Nathan?! This is awesome dude, well done.
Wowowowowowowow! This is really relaxing; like, a refreshing kind of relaxing. Those jazz chords, those chord progressions... And yes, that jump to disco is novel and grabbing. Seriously, amazing track.
Ahhhhhh Nathan... This is fantastic, you have such a good ear - you can like listen to one piece of music & instantly be able to write a piece in the same style. Totally unexpected though!
Hahahaha, this is awesome dude I'm really glad you made this
What did you do the drums in?
nice tune dude - although you should have gotten our your guitar and used ur 1337 solo'in skills over the top!! (serious!) I like the lil break near the end where is doubles the time.