Portrait Painters Painting
By orangedrink on May 17, 2024 9:29 am
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CC Attribution Noncommercial Share Alike (BY-NC-SA)
WeeklyBeats.com / Music / orangedrink's music / Portrait Painters Painting
Audio works licensed by author under:
CC Attribution Noncommercial Share Alike (BY-NC-SA)
Ooh, how ominous and mysterious! Both the track and the portrait turned out great.
ohhhhh i like the wavy goodness of that synth. Kicks got me groovin right away too. Crunchy fills extra appreciated. Go Go Frank Paintin'! Awesome vid awesome track!
i like the mysterious vibe of the track yet it still goes hard. and great video concept too!
I liked the moment in the middle where it came to a screeching halt for a few seconds before diving headlong back into the groove. Nice painting as well. It was crazy how fast I was able to recognize Frank in the picture while it was still in the early drawing stage.
a man of many talents! dope beat, when the snare comes in at 1:20 it got me nodding. Love how you get an interesting track out of relatively few elements.
Nice fuzz and warble to the track. It has a very VHS sound to it. I also like the bit reduction use as a transition. It makes it feel like the song is falling apart and then jumps back to form again.
Do you play with scenes when making your tracks? I always struggled with using that to transition from sections.
Oh that was quite a great track. This whaaa whaaaaaaa sample has a nostalgic sound, sligtly lofi and perfectly set a tone to the whole track. That mid section with the trumpet like melody was a great time. I loved when you pulled everything into fuzz land and then reopened the track, it was quite a nice dramatic effect.
And you got a kudos multiplier for the display of a multi talent performance! Drawing and painting, that was a great combination. Thank you for sharing your tracks, videos, and art!