By onezero on October 16, 2016 11:59 pm
Uploaded with 45 seconds to go--cutting it a bit close.
During the week, I came up with some drum and percussion patterns and some delayed electric piano ostinatos, and figured that I'd avoid keyboard bass in favor of some real bass. Friday night, I tracked the bass and generally liked what I'd been coming up with (though I also tracked second bass that I didn't use), and then a bunch of guitar, about half of which got used. This one was a bit different in the arrangement, in that I arranged all the percussion, electric piano, and bass pretty much simultaneously, and got that to where I liked it, and only then went back and arranged the guitar snippets.
I used a drum rack of dry funk drum hits, of which I carved a bit off the top and bottom of the frequency range with auto-filter high pass and low pass. Drum rack of K3M samples went through Corpus, and Impulse with handclaps and percussion also went through corpus.
Electric piano went to a send of simple delay into filtered delay, and I threw in some Collision instrument on the Sandman preset.
Bass got some compression (I wanted to track with more consistent dynamics, but ran out of time), and some room sound with convolution reverb.
Multiple guitar tracks with Epi Moderne went straight into the board, some with Reuss RF-01 fuzz, some with wah. Some channels got the Amp plugin, while some got saturation and cabinet. The tremolo guitar got an in-phase Auto-Pan with the shape all the way up, for the hard trem. Two guitar channels went to a send with a convolution reverb going into a filter delay, which then also fed back into itself a bit. (That's the ambient delay you hear in a few places.)
All drums got Humanizer, and everything got auto-pan, with full-chain master on the master.
Title comes from one of the properties of niobium (atomic number 41), which is paramagnetic.
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