Nordkapp (for Jeff Kowal)
By onezero on June 24, 2016 5:16 pm
Once again a very busy week, but I wanted to knock this track out before an even busier weekend. I started with a synth drone (filtered sawtooth) through the new modulation delay network I've been working on, and cascaded that delay network into a convolution reverb (BM7 Large and Deep impulse)...and it sounded quite a bit like an airplane passing overhead, which was cool.
During the week I added some drums, Rhodes, percussion, Airy Tube preset on the Collision instrument...and it just seemed a bit wrong. Late in the week, I tracked a lot of Moog guitar drone clips--some straight into the board (notably, rolling off the tone a bit reduced the noise from the circuitry, and then going with the out-of-phase pickup position cut the mids enough for the treble to come through), and some through Reuss RF-01 and Vox Wah. Even though I tracked against the drums, it sounded better with them out. (I might do a version with drums, but I'd have to take the time to make them right, and it'd end up being a different thing anyway.)
So what we have here is several clips of Moog guitar, some pitch shifted an octave or two down, spread across several channels (mostly four, but late in the piece I introduce another, and still another at the very end). Underpinning it is that one note drone in Analog. Everything got slow auto-pan, and everything went into the modulation delay, with slightly higher frequencies of modulation than I've used before. (It still gets wobbly if I go too far.) Full-chain master on the master channel.
The title comes from Nordkapp, a place I'd like to visit someday--it just seems interesting, to be able to stand there and look North to the Arctic Ocean. (Hell, let's aim high--it'd be cool to play in that Nordkapphallen that they have up there.) During the mixdown process, I thought that this is a piece Jeff Kowal (Terra Ambient--or Terraamb here on WB) would have liked. RIP, friend.
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