Weeklybeats is a 52 week long music project in which artists compose and publicly release 1 song a week for the entire year.
Starting January 1st 2024 GMT each participant will have one week to upload one finished composition. Any style of music or selection of instruments are welcomed and encouraged. Sign up or Login to get started or check our FAQ for any help or questions you may have.

WeeklyBeats.com / Music / Napear's music / Lost in the Dark

Lost in the Dark

By Napear on August 25, 2024 11:34 pm

Oooookk... Sooo about this weeks track... (ಥ﹏ಥ)... I had been working on a track basically using only hardware (Deluge, Virus TI2, Microcosm, and TASCAM Model 12)... which I've been chipping away at for the past two weeks.  Yeah, I accidentally saved over the only project file... It was a pretty tragic moment.  I hit a wierd little glitch, and restarted the Deluge... and I wasn't paying close attention (because I was basically done sequencing and was just doing a last little thing before recording), and I pressed the save button, instead of the load button, and saved a copy of the default project over the track.  And that happened... oh like 2-3 hours before the submission deadline... After which I lost like 20 minutes to just dealing with the like "WHYYY!!!!!!!!!!! ˚‧º·(˃̣̣̥∩˂̣̣̥)‧º·˚ "  of it all... then another 30 or so trying to see if I could quickly recover the files.  I could not... though efforts continue on the file recovery front... but they required more time than I had left... and I'm not gonna miss my streak just because of a hasty mistake.  SO, given the time constraints... I did what I could.  This is another ambient piece, built up on a lot of granular processing.  And heavily featuring NI Straylight, Arhkis, and Lores.  There is also some VERY heavily processed piano. 

I didn't really have a theme or an idea going into this... just like panicked slapping things together... and the mix is like... rough... but hey, it's done and submitted... so I'll take the win. 

Now, I'm off to see if I can actually recover that project file, or if I just have to chalk this one up to a "learning experience" and get started on a new track.  Wish me luck.  (✖﹏✖)

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Reply part 1 - oh that sucks soooo much, I lost 2 channels this week and lost my mind - I cannot imagine what your afternoon was like.  damn

Reply part 2 - this track is beautiful, seriously it has such strong Blade Runner vibes.  I'm sorry you lost what you did, and very much hope you can recover it, but also I just added this track to my favorites I liked it so much.

!@#$ that sucks what happened with project file.  I would have taken much longer to recover from that especially so close to the deadline.  Had you not mentioned it totally wouldn't have realized because this piece is awesome.  Love the space and size that comes from this.  Feeling those BR vibes as well with a bit of some sandy Dunes in there.  Feels like the main character just went thru war after a loud explosion leaves their ears ringing and is remembering everyone as they trudge along. I hope you're able to resurrect the project.

Oh, the pain of losing a track like that...but holy cow, you came through clutch.

Totally agree with Tone Matrix, this is an amazing track to have come together in a couple hours, would never have thought this was a last minute throw-together effort. Great atmosphere. Those high melodic elements are awesome, that piano and what sounds like a duduk. smile Cinematic, this makes me think of what Graeme Revell did for his soundtrack work on The Crow. Fantastic work.

Beautiful lush atmosphere you've crafted. Huge fan of the granular processing. And I commend you for working with hardware and am sorry to hear about your loss. I was getting into analog photography and shot 3 rolls of film on trip to england that all came out black because the curtain got damaged in transit. no film was exposed. Soul crushing. But your attitude is so inspiring and the fact that you could rebound with something like this... seriously impressive.

Sorry to hear it - I'll keep my fingers crossed for you on the file recovery front. If it's any consolation, this is a deeply gripping ambient track and I'm grateful you made it this week!

oh buddy! sending all the file recovery energy your way heart

that you were able to pivot and deliver this incredible track is REMARKABLE. I'll definitely be coming back for more listens

Awesome rebound from what was surely a tough moment. This is such an intense ambient track, it both has this constant pad feel while still being dynamic and having tons of movement, really cool balance.

lament.config wrote:

Reply part 1 - oh that sucks soooo much, I lost 2 channels this week and lost my mind - I cannot imagine what your afternoon was like.  damn

Reply part 2 - this track is beautiful, seriously it has such strong Blade Runner vibes.  I'm sorry you lost what you did, and very much hope you can recover it, but also I just added this track to my favorites I liked it so much.

Thanks, I'm really glad you liked it.  As with so many of the ambient tracks I've done over the last few months, after I got the first couple drone layers down, I totally just got lost in playing in the various parts... I even forgot to press record a couple times, got to the end of the track and was like "oh man... yeah that was the one..." looked up to see it wasn't recording, and VERY VERY carefully clicked through to get a "Capture Record", without any misclicks.  Retrospective recording is like easily the #1 feature I'm most grateful for in modern DAWs. 

Tone Matrix wrote:

!@#$ that sucks what happened with project file.  I would have taken much longer to recover from that especially so close to the deadline.  Had you not mentioned it totally wouldn't have realized because this piece is awesome.  Love the space and size that comes from this.  Feeling those BR vibes as well with a bit of some sandy Dunes in there.  Feels like the main character just went thru war after a loud explosion leaves their ears ringing and is remembering everyone as they trudge along. I hope you're able to resurrect the project.

Thank you, I love that imagery... I can totally see it... needs a vocal layer to really get that war torn aftermath vibe just right though... hmmmm...

Paisleyfrog wrote:

Oh, the pain of losing a track like that...but holy cow, you came through clutch.

Totally agree with Tone Matrix, this is an amazing track to have come together in a couple hours, would never have thought this was a last minute throw-together effort. Great atmosphere. Those high melodic elements are awesome, that piano and what sounds like a duduk. smile Cinematic, this makes me think of what Graeme Revell did for his soundtrack work on The Crow. Fantastic work.

Thanks so much, and yeah, the piano is a patch from NI The Giant, that I'm just processing the hell out of with Replica XT, Neutron, and MTurboReverb.  The thing you're hearing as a Duduk (which I totally get now that you say it) is actually layered clarinet, cello, and contrabass, which is just drenched in a few layers of reverb and delay.  And, I'm honored that this track would conjure up memories of Graeme Revell... The Crow was a pretty was pretty formative for me as a kid, both the graphic novel and the movie, but for very different reasons.  Hmmm... that score might actually be the first time I ever heard a Duduk, come to think of it...

littlebigmosaic wrote:

Beautiful lush atmosphere you've crafted. Huge fan of the granular processing. And I commend you for working with hardware and am sorry to hear about your loss. I was getting into analog photography and shot 3 rolls of film on trip to england that all came out black because the curtain got damaged in transit. no film was exposed. Soul crushing. But your attitude is so inspiring and the fact that you could rebound with something like this... seriously impressive.

OH, that's tragic... you know I still have an old 35mm camera that, thinking about it, I don't miss for exactly those reasons.  I recall getting pictures developed where it was a whole pack of just orange white glossy pieces of paper, because of light bleed... and you don't even get to find out until LONG after it's too late to deal with it.  Brutal.  But, yeah thanks for the kind words. 

If makeup, clothing, and jewelry are how we decorate our persons; and, paintings, and sculpture are how we decorate space; then stories, and music are how we decorate time.  As such it's necessarily fleeting... and while it's a bummer to add another piece of music (that was intended for others) to the ever increasing pile of things only I will ever experience... it's not the first one, nor will it be the last I suspect.  So, I just took the emotion and used it to make something else... there is always more music to be made.  And to be totally honest, I didn't love that track anyway, so this is just an excuse to make something better. 

levelcapybara wrote:

Sorry to hear it - I'll keep my fingers crossed for you on the file recovery front. If it's any consolation, this is a deeply gripping ambient track and I'm grateful you made it this week!

Well I appreciate your well wishes.  And I'm really glad that you liked it, it is infact a consolation. 

jwh wrote:

oh buddy! sending all the file recovery energy your way heart

that you were able to pivot and deliver this incredible track is REMARKABLE. I'll definitely be coming back for more listens

Thanks, I'm glad you liked it.  And I appreciate the well wishes. 

Cursory wrote:

Awesome rebound from what was surely a tough moment. This is such an intense ambient track, it both has this constant pad feel while still being dynamic and having tons of movement, really cool balance.

Thank you, and yeah, that's why I love granular synthesis so much. It's just soooo easy to add really interesting and dynamic movement.  Like this whole track is basically just one Bm chord... with a little right hand piano noodling, but because of all that granular movement in multiple layers it still feels very dynamic.  Granular synths are magic. 

Uuuugggghhh that’s so frustrating I’m so sorry! I know what that’s like. Overwriting or deleting something, it just happens so fast, and your heart just sinks and there’s a few seconds of being like “noooo this can’t be real.” That being said, what you were able to whip up in such a short amount of time is still really strong, lots of life and emotion. It’s like a song of mourning for your previous project lol. Excellent work! Keep the streak alive!!

cool stuff! def cyber mood

that_ranjit wrote:

Uuuugggghhh that’s so frustrating I’m so sorry! I know what that’s like. Overwriting or deleting something, it just happens so fast, and your heart just sinks and there’s a few seconds of being like “noooo this can’t be real.” That being said, what you were able to whip up in such a short amount of time is still really strong, lots of life and emotion. It’s like a song of mourning for your previous project lol. Excellent work! Keep the streak alive!!

Thank you for the condolences, and yeah that pretty much exactly the experience.  There was a second or two after “this isn’t real” phase where I genuinely considered totally giving up and not posting anything for the week… but thankfully reason set back in very shortly thereafter.  And yeah it is kind of a dirge for the track that was… thanks for the encouragement and commiserating.

NeonRebar wrote:

cool stuff! def cyber mood

Thanks you.  90s cyberpunk dystopian films are just baked into my DNA at this point, which I guess when making music that is like 90% instinct because of lack of time, comes through.

Sometimes, under intense pressure, we create a diamond. That's what you did here. Love the spaciousness and calm this evokes and the overall cinematic feel of this meandering journey through some strange and beautiful landscape. Hoping you can recover the other project too. I know how defeated we feel when that happens, and it happens to all of us here and there. Good luck getting it back.

Digitakt did this to me a few months back... well not quite the same. But anyway I feel your pain.

Third is wonderful. I am always delightfully engulfed by the tremendous sense of space you create, it's so immersive and just sweeps me away. I think you should try for a whole suite like this - like 20+minutes of ambient space, with movements and arcs and rambling rambling rambling it's awesome. Thank you heart

nooooo dude, absolutely suuuuucks to lose a project. But, I have to say, you recovered well with this ambient piano work. I always tell myself when I lose work that I'll be able to channel the essence of it and it will turn out better than the original. So, hopefully you can have some success at reviving the essence.

Bunjigram wrote:

Sometimes, under intense pressure, we create a diamond. That's what you did here. Love the spaciousness and calm this evokes and the overall cinematic feel of this meandering journey through some strange and beautiful landscape. Hoping you can recover the other project too. I know how defeated we feel when that happens, and it happens to all of us here and there. Good luck getting it back.

I love that imagery... and yeah, it was a bummer to lose that project, but if I hadn't this may never have gotten made so fair trade I'll say.  Thanks for the kind words. 

neon liminal wrote:

Digitakt did this to me a few months back... well not quite the same. But anyway I feel your pain.

Third is wonderful. I am always delightfully engulfed by the tremendous sense of space you create, it's so immersive and just sweeps me away. I think you should try for a whole suite like this - like 20+minutes of ambient space, with movements and arcs and rambling rambling rambling it's awesome. Thank you heart

Thank you so much, I think I will actually try to make more cohesive suite of these kinds of things, thanks for the suggestion/inspiration.  I have a few ideas too, so well see where that goes. 

SQF wrote:

nooooo dude, absolutely suuuuucks to lose a project. But, I have to say, you recovered well with this ambient piano work. I always tell myself when I lose work that I'll be able to channel the essence of it and it will turn out better than the original. So, hopefully you can have some success at reviving the essence.

Thanks for the condolences... yeah, I think the thing that I can say that was a win from the process is I really got to dig into the Virus TI, and build up a workflow with that and the Deluge, and thankfully that workflow wasn't stored with the project files ( ಠ‿<).

the space in this track sounds amazing - i feel like i've been transported

emily wrote:

the space in this track sounds amazing - i feel like i've been transported

Awesome, that is exactly the goal I think... this track was definitely an exercise in flow state for me making it... I'm glad that it seems to have bottled some of that for others to share in too. 

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