Weeklybeats 2024 was a 52 week long music project in which artists composed and publicly released 1 song a week for the entire year. Enjoy this archive of over 7,500 music compositions by over 300 artists.
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By Napear on October 27, 2024 11:58 pm

So this is another school double dip.  I have been up to my eyeballs in a short film scoring project for class, so I pinched this from another extra curricular thing that I did this week.  This is something that was meant for a practice "pitch", but I'm curious what you all think the pitch would be for?  Like here's the end result, what do you think the "brief" I was pitching for was? 

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To my ears - Alien v Predator - but set in space or on a space derelict or some such.  I really dig this piece, hand percussion and industrial tones; an excellent combination.  Made me think of iVardensphere but more sci-fi.  Great work

I was thinking sci-fi - maybe a movie like Prometheus or Annihilation, where there's a chase/flee scene. Also some of the scenes in Bladerunner 2049 use synth sounds sort of like the ones used in your track. Great job!

Okay, here's my guess: the prompt was "write the score to the trailer to an action film about time travel, where we see the protagonist running from time keepers, the armed group of mercenaries hired to capture people who illegally try to meddle with The Time-line"

Anyways, this is dope as hell!!!! Such awesome sounds all over!!!

The pitch gliding on the synth brass / elephant talk is the obvious answer to me. The track itself is a short sequence, but very effective for a soundtrack.

Ooof I'm prob way off but this felt like accidentally stumbling into a place like Wakanda with all the fancy technology but also spears, lions and tigers oh my smile Love the sound of that synth.  Such a warm sound.  The percussion top notch! Well done!

I wanna joke and say a brief for Heavyocity products lol

This is good work though. Having  done a few 1 minute briefs myself I can say it's definitely challenging to fit a musical story into such a short amount of time, great work here!

Stumbling into danger territory. Chase scene commences. Sci-fi dystopian vibes. Not too sure beyond that, but epic upload nonetheless!

My guess would be a chase scene in a cyberpunk-setting movie. Pretty amazing stuff btw

lament.config wrote:

To my ears - Alien v Predator - but set in space or on a space derelict or some such.  I really dig this piece, hand percussion and industrial tones; an excellent combination.  Made me think of iVardensphere but more sci-fi.  Great work

Well I will definitely take that comparison... iVardenshere is pretty epic.  And yeah I can totally see this being in a trailer for that kind of movie.  My wife said it sounded like a transformer was about to attack, and I think probably for the same reasons you got AvP in Space vibes.  I was pretty happy how the drums mixed in for this, it's all taiko drums (with a fair bit of processing) and heavily distorted grand cassa... taiko drums are definitely my go to for action sounds too... not sure why, but that's always what I want to reach for. 

mukti wrote:

I was thinking sci-fi - maybe a movie like Prometheus or Annihilation, where there's a chase/flee scene. Also some of the scenes in Bladerunner 2049 use synth sounds sort of like the ones used in your track. Great job!

Lol, well I'm very glad you heard the Bladerunner in it... there were a few Bladerunner 2049 tracks that were part of the references in the brief.  And I basically only used Arturia's CS-80 V (the VST version of the synth that both Vangelis and Zimmer used for their respective Blade Runner scores) for the non-percussion elements.  That CS-80 pitch just sounds awesome. 

jegasus wrote:

Okay, here's my guess: the prompt was "write the score to the trailer to an action film about time travel, where we see the protagonist running from time keepers, the armed group of mercenaries hired to capture people who illegally try to meddle with The Time-line"

Anyways, this is dope as hell!!!! Such awesome sounds all over!!!

That's ahh... surprisingly close to the actual brief... more cybernetics and less time travel, but very much in the same vein.  And thanks, I'm glad you liked it, and it makes me feel good that it was evocative of something so close to the intended effect. 

rplktr wrote:

The pitch gliding on the synth brass / elephant talk is the obvious answer to me. The track itself is a short sequence, but very effective for a soundtrack.

Thanks, I'm glad you think so. 

Tone Matrix wrote:

Ooof I'm prob way off but this felt like accidentally stumbling into a place like Wakanda with all the fancy technology but also spears, lions and tigers oh my smile Love the sound of that synth.  Such a warm sound.  The percussion top notch! Well done!

Ohhh... yeah I can totally see that... it's not what I was aiming for, I was definitely going more cyberpunk dystopian near future... but you're totally right.  The taiko drums to give it a very techno tribal feel.  And yeah, that synth is the CS-80 V... and there's a reason that the original Yamaha CS-80's are like $100k.  Just an absolutely iconic synth, totally ahead of it's time.  There is a desktop hardware clone called Deckard’s Dream that I covet... but the VST does a pretty damn good job of capturing those lovely CS-80 sounds at literally a tenth of the price.

neon liminal wrote:

I wanna joke and say a brief for Heavyocity products lol

This is good work though. Having  done a few 1 minute briefs myself I can say it's definitely challenging to fit a musical story into such a short amount of time, great work here!

LOL... you know... it would (almost) work as a Heavyocity ad... though no actual Heavyocity products were used in this piece. It's probably the first cyberpunky/industrial thing I've done for a scoring project that doesn't have Damage 2 in it... but yeah it's actually NI Action Strikes and ProjectSam Symphobia 4: Pandora for all the Heavyocity sounding things.  And yeah, I actually really enjoy the challenge of very short pieces like this.  I had to do one a few months ago that needed to be 30 seconds, and had to go from comforting and peaceful to desolate and alien, while fully developing both feelings.  Crazy hard challenge, but super fun to write. 

littlebigmosaic wrote:

Stumbling into danger territory. Chase scene commences. Sci-fi dystopian vibes. Not too sure beyond that, but epic upload nonetheless!

That is very much inline with the actual intention.  It is intended to bey very much a dystopian cyberpunk, actiony vibe.  I'm glad that it read that way.  And, thank you. 

Nik Novo wrote:

My guess would be a chase scene in a cyberpunk-setting movie. Pretty amazing stuff btw

Thanks so much, it is very much meant to be exactly that cyberpunk action kind of a thing. 

ok so i thought for sure i left a comment cuz i listened several times last week, but i realized tonight i was still working out the brief.
here's my guess:

you're 11 years old and just joined a new soccer league. you are dropped off for the first practice and have never met any of the other kids so you're already feeling self-conscious and awkward. halfway through practice a sudden need to poop washes over you. you have to poop. like REALLY SOON. you scan the area. no buildings nearby. you don't even see a friggin PORTAPOTTY. wth. WHERE ARE PEOPLE SUPPOSED TO GO TO THE BATHROOM? DOES NO ONE EVER HAVE TO GO TO THE BATHROOM WHEN SOCCER IS HAPPENING.
your ride won't be here for another 30 MINUTES. all sorts of horrible scenarios start to play out in your head.

ps: this track is great, Napear! hope class is going well!

jwh wrote:

ok so i thought for sure i left a comment cuz i listened several times last week, but i realized tonight i was still working out the brief.
here's my guess:

you're 11 years old and just joined a new soccer league. you are dropped off for the first practice and have never met any of the other kids so you're already feeling self-conscious and awkward. halfway through practice a sudden need to poop washes over you. you have to poop. like REALLY SOON. you scan the area. no buildings nearby. you don't even see a friggin PORTAPOTTY. wth. WHERE ARE PEOPLE SUPPOSED TO GO TO THE BATHROOM? DOES NO ONE EVER HAVE TO GO TO THE BATHROOM WHEN SOCCER IS HAPPENING.
your ride won't be here for another 30 MINUTES. all sorts of horrible scenarios start to play out in your head.

ps: this track is great, Napear! hope class is going well!

。:゚゚(´∀`)・。 So I read you're brief... then pressed play on the track... and almost fell out of my chair laughing... I mean, that's not the brief I got... but I'll be damned if this wouldn't work as score for that scene. 

jwh wrote:

ok so i thought for sure i left a comment cuz i listened several times last week, but i realized tonight i was still working out the brief.
here's my guess:

you're 11 years old and just joined a new soccer league. you are dropped off for the first practice and have never met any of the other kids so you're already feeling self-conscious and awkward. halfway through practice a sudden need to poop washes over you. you have to poop. like REALLY SOON. you scan the area. no buildings nearby. you don't even see a friggin PORTAPOTTY. wth. WHERE ARE PEOPLE SUPPOSED TO GO TO THE BATHROOM? DOES NO ONE EVER HAVE TO GO TO THE BATHROOM WHEN SOCCER IS HAPPENING.
your ride won't be here for another 30 MINUTES. all sorts of horrible scenarios start to play out in your head.

ps: this track is great, Napear! hope class is going well!

i was seeing this kinda flying through sand dunes  with the movement

the drums are giving me this

or maybe this

but the semi vocalized sounds reminded me of metalic creatures kinda like this


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